Morning all, I was wondering if anyone here as been to Gabon and been initiated by the Bwiti tribe. It's something I'd very much like to do in the near future but don't know where to start! I was thinking off just flying over there , heading into the jungle and finding the tribe myself but this probably is not a good idea! Maybe someone can help with a guide of some sort?? how do people usually do these things? Greazyyy
You don't need to go into the jungle, there are Bwiti churches right in the capital. It's the national plant of one of the wealthiest (the wealthiest?) nations in Africa. PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
I dont want to go to a bwiti 'church' with aspects of christianity Greazyyy
Well, that's all there is, in Gabon. Bwiti is a syncretic religion. Edit: Looks like I was wrong, one can still find Misogho Bwiti, that practice a purely Ancestor-based tradition. PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
well I dont believe that's all their is... Greazyyy
Well, you seem very confused in general, since you refer to Bwiti as a tribe and put the reference to Bwiti churches in scare-quotes. Almost like you've done absolutely no research at all, really. PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
Here's an interview that mentions non-Christian Bwiti groups. I don't know how literally it can be taken, as from what I've read, the Fang have added Catholic elements to groups that already had integrated other aspects of Christianity. PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
I do find that information on the bwiti movement is rather scarce indeed. Thanks for the links ragabr.