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B. Caapi Extraction - Full Sprectrum Extract & Purification [Tek-Pics] Options
#41 Posted : 7/21/2010 12:54:09 AM
sigmundfreuid wrote:
It's always better to have something much purer so you ingest or smoke less useless junk.

That is a question of viewpoint, personally I feel that there's substances in caapi beside the usual harmala alkaloids that do account for some effect. Caapi Copy does not have the same effect on me as caapi do, even if it contains the same alkaloids.
#42 Posted : 7/21/2010 1:19:23 AM
Hi Glory of the Evening, would you elaborate a little please.
What do you feel is lost?

Basically it is a great interest to me how we define the line between over-refine and traditional.
In other words, because some substances -- besides the standard alkaloids that we seem to extract -- seem to sometimes have effects or benefits that are lost in over-refining process,
it is important to learn to recognize when the evolving purifying shamanism has gone too-far...

On one hand, we can even go so far as to suggest that the spiritual-purge is a rationalization for unavoidable purging effects.
However, we can also try to recognize when we are losing a vital component to the preparation;
even if that vital component may be a morphogenetic resonance/field associated with a full spectrum of ingredients?

Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#43 Posted : 7/21/2010 1:36:08 PM
plumsmooth wrote:
What do you feel is lost?...On one hand, we can even go so far as to suggest that the spiritual-purge is a rationalization for unavoidable purging effects.

First off, I don't think there's any need to "rationalize purging effects". It's cleansing, it feels incredible, it works wonders for the soul. Personally, I don't see the issue as I love the purge, but it's more than possible I'm just a weirdo Very happy . I dunno, it's always seemed like a gate of entry for me. Even with my earliest brews, when I would hold everything down for 2 hours or so, I found my experience wouldn't truly begin until after I had purged. As far as what's lost...there's a holistic quality to caapi. When I've had aya brews where my leaf material was weak or inactive, not only was the vine enough to have visions, it was enough to leave me with the residual afterglow for several days. I have never gotten as warm an afterglow from any extracted harmalas as I have from ayahuasca vine. To my mind, it doesn't even compare. Isolated alkaloids are great for a little pick me up or even pharmahuasca, but even my higher harmala-alkaloid pharma brews have fallen woefully short of the healing effects and duration of afterglow created by using full vine.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#44 Posted : 7/21/2010 4:05:35 PM
SnozzleBerry wrote:
I have never gotten as warm an afterglow from any extracted harmalas as I have from ayahuasca vine. To my mind, it doesn't even compare. Isolated alkaloids are great for a little pick me up or even pharmahuasca, but even my higher harmala-alkaloid pharma brews have fallen woefully short of the healing effects and duration of afterglow created by using full vine.

Thanks Snozz, that's exactly what I was looking for. I would much rather purge and get the full effects than have a weaker, more pleasant experience. (at least for now)

I think I'll leave the vine intact and just make a brew until my live caapi vine is big enough to harvest from to do some extraction experiments.
Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
#45 Posted : 7/21/2010 7:06:27 PM
Although this might be getting a little esoteric for some-- but definitely not for NexiansSmile -- I wonder if purified Caapi alkaloids are missing part signature profile that attenuates the signal to and from the morphogenetic Caapi field-- a field that has already been established for quite some time. The alkaloid-morpho is certainly less developed.

Regardless these are the type of questions that I have tried to pose and yet to come up with a thread.
I would be interested in a separate thread and or poll that would address the difference in healing potential between the Full Spectrum Ayahuasca brew and classic Pharmahuasca?

Personally ,since my goal is usually, if not always Healing, when and if I make the definitive determination that Traditional Brewed Ayahuasca is superior for that goal, then Pharmahuasca would fade as an interest.

However, I have also wondered about Hybrid brews, whereby one brews a smaller or milder Ayahuasca, maybe using one of the low to no-cook methods and add in a particular amount of either or both Caapi alkaloids and Spice.

This would be one way to have the Full Spectrum-- assuming that was desired-- but also guarantee the success that comes with proper dosing.

In fact, as far as mimosa is concerned as a healing add-mixture-- I would have to say that an appealing idea is to brew a loving warm cup of Caapi only tea and
add a known mg quantity of Spice...

I'm not convinced by any means there are any healing substances in that yummy bark besides spice...
#46 Posted : 6/29/2011 6:48:08 PM
Hi just a few quick questions,
Roughly how long does this take all up?
Also how long does it take just to get to the drying process?
how long will it take to dry without a food dehydrator?
Can i use the the crude caapi extract to infuse into my changa or will i have to further purify using
your purification method first?
Also is there a way i can do this without the pressure pump?
sorry for being awkward but i have next to no money atm

Appreciate any help
Salvia divinorum expertSenior Member
#47 Posted : 6/29/2011 7:18:20 PM
SLiCeR wrote:
Hi just a few quick questions,
Roughly how long does this take all up?
Also how long does it take just to get to the drying process?
how long will it take to dry without a food dehydrator?
Can i use the the crude caapi extract to infuse into my changa or will i have to further purify using
your purification method first?

Appreciate any help

Not to toot my own horn, but this TEK is much easier and yields a very pure product.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#48 Posted : 6/29/2011 7:38:01 PM
gibran2 wrote:
SLiCeR wrote:
Hi just a few quick questions,
Roughly how long does this take all up?
Also how long does it take just to get to the drying process?
how long will it take to dry without a food dehydrator?
Can i use the the crude caapi extract to infuse into my changa or will i have to further purify using
your purification method first?

Appreciate any help

Not to toot my own horn, but this TEK is much easier and yields a very pure product.

Thanks for that, can i use the final product to infuse/melt into my changa?
also how long is the overall process?
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