I would like to talk about my recent activity on this forum in an effort to help some people understand me.
It all started when I challenged the no CT's rule witch I don't think was a good idea in retrospect, I'm a fairly new member here and really have no business making a stink over the rules the owner of this site put in place for reasons I wasn't here to see.
I hold certain beliefs that I'm sure many of you share, I do believe there is a group of people the ' illuminati' as its called that have some unsavory plans for the world, I've seen enough evidence of this to convince me.
Because these plans of theirs trickle down into ever facet of our lives I felt that the topic of Conspiracy theory was too broad to be banned and I also believe that exposing what they are doing is our moral obligation.
Most of us agree that the world is in a pretty tumultuous state right now and the united states is leading the free world in a bad direction Hence my support of Ron Paul.
Some of you have pointed out that he can't do what he says he will do witch makes him a liar, that the constitution doesn't allow the president to do very much and this is where it gets spiritual for me because I really don't want to believe that violent revolution is the only way to deal with this problem.
the constitution wasn't supposed to allow for a lot of things that have happened to america yet they happened anyways, It was my hope that the same could be true for positive change.
Ron paul is a pro lifer and thats what got me wondering about how people in this community feel about that issue.
So to any I may have offended with my posting about all of this I really want to apologize.
from here on out I'm going to avoid these kinds of discussions on the nexus just because I love this place to much to create tension here.
~ wishing you all the best
"I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect." J. Krishnamurti ~ The Dissolution of the Order of the Star. 1929http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erjAzA753sg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AEU5pBxY6E