Here are the results of a simple Manske extraction. A Syrian Rue solution was created using 100g of Rue and doing 6 30min extractions with 4 cups of water & 1 cup vinegar per pull. The extracts were combined and the solution was reduced to 1 quart. This was run through a 12 cotton ball filter and refrigerated overnight. Solution was run through a 12 cotton ball filter again to remove the sediment. Solution was heated to boil then reduced to low. Salt was added until no more would dissolve. The solution was filtered through a 12 cotton ball filter & placed in the fridge overnight. In the morning much had precipitated. The entire 1 quart of liquid was run through a home-made vacuum filter. This filter worked in less then 5 minutes! Here is the link to the tek on how to build the effective filter: out the filter! Results: 3.1g Crude Extract from 100g Syrian Rue Syrian Rue 30x ! CosmicLion attached the following image(s):  PumpFilter10.JPG (69kb) downloaded 2,565 time(s). PumpFilter11.JPG (69kb) downloaded 2,557 time(s).-Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-
The crude extract was mixed into a 200ml solution of 170ml Water and 30ml Vinegar Sodium Carbonate was made by cooking baking soda in the oven @ 420F for 3 hours A bunch of sodium carbonate was added to 100ml of water. The sodium carbonate water was filtered through the homemade vacuum pump to remove excess sodium carbonate. The concentrated sodium carbonate solution was mixed with the extract solution and a rapid color change occurred. Sodium carbonate solution was added until color change stabilized, then a bit more for good measure. The result was put in the fridge for a couple of hours until all the yellow powder settled to the bottom. The result was filtered through several runs out of the homemade vacuum filter. The results were 1.8g of Semi-Pure Tan Harmaloid Freebase CosmicLion attached the following image(s):  FinalResults.JPG (51kb) downloaded 2,526 time(s). PaperFilter.JPG (39kb) downloaded 2,514 time(s).-Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-
wow, nice work. i am impressed with the way the harmaloids are flaking away from the coffee filter.
Nice work!  I do, however, think there are more alkaloids left to be extracted. Your yield was <1.8%, while 2-6% is what is normally found (average around 3%).
biopsylo wrote:wow, nice work. i am impressed with the way the harmaloids are flaking away from the coffee filter.
The goods were sent through that pressure-pump I talked about. I think the flaking may be a product of the drying method. The pump mad a thick "plate" or "cake" of pressed tan powder on the coffee filter. The whole filter was put into a food dehydrator for 30 minutes until dry. Maybe putting the 'cake' in the dehydrator helped it clump up and flake off like that -Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-
Evening Glory wrote:Nice work!  I do, however, think there are more alkaloids left to be extracted. Your yield was <1.8%, while 2-6% is what is normally found (average around 3%). These were VERY old seeds... but the yield did seem low. Next time some different methods with be used to fully withdraw all the alkaloids from the seeds. Maybe some 24-48 hour pre-soaks in vinegar or something. -Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-
CosmicLion: are good clean harmalas not supposed to be crystaline? shoe
ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
Usually if you crystallize them quickly (quick change of pH or quick manske precipitation), they will be more powdery than crystalline, but you can definitely see that crystalline shine in the powder when light hits it.
would this work with caapi? WHOA!
You'd be better off using Gibran's tek for caapi. Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
pau wrote:would this work with caapi? It would work, but I don’t think the Manske TEK pulls THH. (I did my TEK using very good rue seeds a while back and got a yield of 7%.) gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
shoe wrote:CosmicLion: are good clean harmalas not supposed to be crystaline? A appologise, these harmalas are certainly crystaline, or if not, pure white and low-mass enough, in certainty. shoe
ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
endlessness wrote:Usually if you crystallize them quickly (quick change of pH or quick manske precipitation), they will be more powdery than crystalline. Quite often when I do a second or third manske I actually get some very well formed crystals and they seem to form quite quickly:
soulfood wrote:endlessness wrote:Usually if you crystallize them quickly (quick change of pH or quick manske precipitation), they will be more powdery than crystalline. Quite often when I do a second or third manske I actually get some very well formed crystals and they seem to form quite quickly: A cleaner way to extract from rue is to do the simple A/B TEK that I outlined for caapi, and then follow it with a Manske. You can get a very clean product with a single Manske and get a good yield too. Attached is a photo I posted in another thread showing some really beautiful crystal formations. gibran2 attached the following image(s):  harmala1.jpg (77kb) downloaded 1,913 time(s).gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Nice one! May have to try that next 
Gib, Where is the tek you used for the picture? The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.
FiorSirtheoir wrote:Gib, Where is the tek you used for the picture? The TEK for the primary extraction is here. After the second acidification, it was followed by a Manske to selectively extract the harmine and harmaline. gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
why such a tiny yeild ? antrocles wrote:...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...
...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".
Quote: ‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell Quote: ‹xtechre› cheese is great He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.
i hope perform my first harmala extraction soon! great picture Tz'is aná