Just wondering if anyone here has been watching the new trilogy of Adam Curtis documentaries? The first two episodes have been broadcast already on the BBC in the UK, with the third and final programme commencing next week.
I highly recommend his latest work and believe it will be of great interest to many Nexians.
Here's the second episode centred around Ecology (can't find the first episode on the internet, yet):
http://www.dailymotion.c...-of-vegetational-co_news I also recommend all of curtis' other work. For anyone unfamiliar:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Curtis"To fear death is no other than to think oneself wise when one is not, to think one knows what one does not know. No one knows whether death may not be the greatest of all blessings for a man, yet men fear it as if they knew that it is the greatest of evils." -- Pro Evolution Socrates 399 BC (For Platostation)
"The brain did not evolve to see reality as it is, the brain evolved to see reality in a way that is useful." - Beau Lotto, Lotto Lab
"The fool who persists in his folly will become wise." - William Blake