Swim just got 100 hawiian hwbr and was curious as to if he could somehow create a storable dose(s) of LSH from this. I am curious to the viable differences in LSA and LSH trips. So what is the most noteable differences of the two and how can you turn LSA into LSH and is it good for storage? Just once or twice is good for your soul - Danny Elfman
As far as we know (well, rather as I thinck we know of, although there are many "teks" claiming to convert it), there is no proven way in kitchen chemistry than the conversion from LSA into LSH actually occurs. That being said you may find useful information to try a few experiement there: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...t.aspx?g=topics&f=37 Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
vertigoshaman wrote:Swim just got 100 hawiian hwbr and was curious as to if he could somehow create a storable dose(s) of LSH from this. I am curious to the viable differences in LSA and LSH trips. So what is the most noteable differences of the two and how can you turn LSA into LSH and is it good for storage? From what others have written, you should prepare a water solution with peppermint in a form of a tea-bag or oil. There are those that are questioning this method and there are few accounts about how wonderful it is. People say that LSH is more LSD-like then plain ergine (LSA). I haven't tried it myself yet but if you have so many seeds then just give it a try and post your results. In the "worst" case you'll end up with standard ergine experience.
Well swim's ultimate goal is to produce a product from the hwbr that is the most comparable to LSD (which has been commonly said is LSH) if anyone has a method of making this I would love to hear it. Just once or twice is good for your soul - Danny Elfman
ive tried sherry wine and fresh peppermint leaves with both HBWR and morning glory. Never was able to get any success. After wasting 6 doses worth, i gave up. Hope you have better luck than i did.