he did the caapi extraction succesfully a la gibran2, uderstands this is fb.how can he now convert this to the salt form to be used in a pharma pill for better absortion.harmol and harmalol is wht he wants.thanks. im just a blue reindeer, dont listen to me, listen to her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ABIkH7m0s
1st off as far as i know there are only the most minor traces of harmol and harmalol in either rue or caapi. neither has large amounts in them. (correct me if i'm wrong, science guys.) To get a salt from the freebaes you could do any number of things. dissolve in vinegar and evaporate. dissolve in hydrochloric acid and evaporate. dissolve into a solvent and add fumaric acid dropwise ALA director of sound tek. They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
This thread could prove useful. Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
Shadowman x , he thought that harmol and harmalol where the salt forms of harmine and harmaline but doing further reading it seems they are other alkaloids as you state.Someone with that knowledge can give an insight ? And yeah it crossed his mind dissolving in an acid.Any sugestions for acetic acid solution concentration, would it be usefull using a 10% instead of the typical vinager like 5% ? he is in Brazil now where he bought 2kg of yellow caapi so he will have plenty to experiment when he gets back to euro zone. Melodic C. thx for that link it IS usefull. peace im just a blue reindeer, dont listen to me, listen to her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ABIkH7m0s
Salt form of harmine and harmaline are harmine and harmaline + added ion from acid (for example harmine and harmaline acetate, or fumarate, etc). Harmol and harmalol are other alkaloids and if they are there, they are only in trace quantities, thats not what you wat.
More concentrated acetic acid is not needed, you could even dilute the 5% vinegar and still work perfectly fine, as harmalas are naturally in salt form in the plant material and therefore water soluble. Just make sure to break/grind everything as fine as possible before extracting.
Where in Brazil are u at, if I may ask?
Yeah the others have covered the harmalol etc but I thought I'd mention that you can cap and eat freebase harmalas just fine. I never had any different effects from eating acid or fb.
thx ouro.what about juice, is there a real need for that with fb? i extend that question to fb dmt. he has 2 pharma doeses in pills to test drive here (220 fb caapi+55fb dmt mixed togeather) his first extraction of both.he will take it with lemmon to make sure, with a friend in a waterfall in the forest near by. im just a blue reindeer, dont listen to me, listen to her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ABIkH7m0s
that sounds fine. Putting them into any kind of acidic juice will make them into a citrate salt, which is fine. Traveler says he empties his mix into the juice and lets it sit for 20 minutes then downs it all in one go, together. I think that will be good. They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
Some people will tell you that eating fb has unpleasant side effects, but I never got them. I've never capped it before, but I've dissolved dmt freebase in ethanol and drank it with no problems. Also dissolving it in the juice of a lemon or lime works fine. capped harmala fb works perfectly for me.
thats the point, i want to salt both elements of the pill so that an other external element is not required (juice,etc).I understand that salts are better absorved, correct me if i am wrong.As for salting caapi fb, it seems to be easy if its just mixing with acid water (glacial acetic acid or hcl solutions) and evaporating, right? 50ml per gram maybe? what about dmt, could that be applied instead of the fasa tec.? im just a blue reindeer, dont listen to me, listen to her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ABIkH7m0s
oneistheall, your stomach acids convert your freebases to readily available salts. You do not need to use glacial acetic acid, or hcl to create acidic salts out of a freebase, even 3% diluted white vinegar from any corner store will do the trick. it is more like 10-20ml per gram althoguh I am not 100% on this. They don't think it be like it is, but it do.