We've had this financial crisis and now we have the stuff happening in the arab world and i think that the story behind these events is still not being seen properlyby the mass-media.
I think that the big story of this era is basically: an increasing demand of scarce basic goods like oil, gas, coal, iron-ore, bauxite, uranium, coltan, copper, platinum, palladium, corn, rice, grain, dairy, etc.
Eventually the value of our money is being determined by how much of these basic resources we can buy with it. But our financial and economic system is structured in such a way that we're protected against the daily movements of the markets and all forms of acute scarcity.
But this system is like a dam that can only hold so much water. It has it's limits and those limits are being stretched more and more.
Eventually all kinds of things happen, that you could trace back and say of: "well, this is a unique event and it has no direct link to the market for raw materials".
But i think that is a bit like with that dual-slit experiment in quantum mechanic's: for each individual photon or electron you could say that it's just a coincidence that it's being detected the way it is, but all of them toghether do inexplicably reveal a pattern that can not be atributed to the factor of coincidence.
I think that when you look at the bigger picture of what's happening in the world economy, you will see a simmilar pattern that completely corresponds with what you would expect in relation to all above: If the market is being protected to stabilise food-prices etc. eventually things will happen that will enforce a change and even though they individually may seem to have nothing to do with the story of a greater demand for scarce resources, in the end they will lead to less purchasing power for the wealthy nations and many of the worlds poor and more purchasing power for the emerging markets.
It's not a coincidence that all of these things are happening now in the arab world btw. They're like the big example of what's happening in the world: a dramatic increase in population (a decade ago, egypt's population was only 80% of what it is today) combined with a greater demand for basic goods on a global scale.
The economic institutions 'correct' inflation and economic growth figures for individual events like rising oil-prices. But eventually the mathematical model to calculate the economy doesn't hold this way and thus it will be corrected one way or another.
At least, that is what i think.