Has anyone ever tried this? When using sublingual harmala alkaloids to enhance a vaporized DMT experience, it takes very little to produce noticeable effects – as little as 10-15mg caapi extracted alkaloids produce effects for me. I’ve never taken more than about 40-50mg harmaloids sublingually, but have wondered what would happen if I took a high dose of maybe 100-150mg? It could be taken maybe 50mg a time, every 15-20 minutes. Will it produce effects similar to a high-dose caapi-only ayahuasca? (Shorter duration, no nausea?) gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
50mg is a large dose for me sublingually.
I can't speak with 100% certainty of my material, as it was from the old FV "THH" but 50mg held for 20minutes caused my heart to sky rocket after vaping 15mg DMT. Immense panic set in and I spent the next 10 minutes lying on my back and trying to breathe slowly. I barely noticed that the room was now entirely made of lego.
That said though I've drank 100g's caapi and vaped after that which had a much calmer effect. It's a lot more harmaloids obviously but I'm guessing the sublingual root is a lot more efficent at getting the goods to the brain.
Thinking back though, I've never had harmala tracers from dosing sublingually, whereas with my high dose caapi I always get them, so this suggests ahigher level of harmaloid intoxication. Maybe the sublingual root is more "invisible" but has a stronger effect on MAO in the brain?
20mg sublingual rue extract seems to carry MAOI effect for about an hour for myself, so I never really tried redosing that way.
I wonder if a sufficiently high dose of sublingual harmalas is by itself psychedelic? Haven’t answered this question for myself yet. gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
yes at high doses caapi is def psychedelic..at 50-100g it can be for sure..or at like 50g+m of harmalas..depending on how they are used in ratio or what harmala you are using etc.. I would say extract 50g of caapi with your tek, and then take all of the harmalas yielded. I have no idea what else could be in caapi or what is going on there with the reported 2% yields..but I can assure you that caapi def does get psychedelic, and 50mg of pure harmalas sublingually should do it..sometimes 50g of vine will floor me, other nights I can drink 80-90g before it gets that deep..but 50g is like where it really starts. This has been true for me so far with white vine, red vine and cielo vine. I never weigh my rue extracted harmalas anymore, I just put a lump of maybe 50mg under my tounge to start, and even at that dose I have had light dreamy psychedelic effects. Long live the unwoke.
"Thinking back though, I've never had harmala tracers from dosing sublingually, whereas with my high dose caapi I always get them" That is def a very common side effect of a visionary dose of harmalas..when I get to that point I can be sure that when I lay down and close my eyes, I will get sucked into those visionary caapi dreams. Long live the unwoke.
I have to echo soulfood's report on sublingual being less visual for me as well, even when the dosage is high enough to put it on par with what would cause visuals through other routes of administration. About two weeks ago I took around 100mg of rue-extracted harmalas sublingually and WOW...talk about fast-onset nausea. I almost never experience harmala-related nausea, even when smoking a lot of freebase mixed with cannabis (perhaps the cannabis helps in those cases, but even on oral I usually don't feel much if any nausea). Of this experience, the nausea was the first noticeable effect and it was rather strong. After about 30 minutes, the vast majority of the nausea subsided and I found myself in the typical harmala headspace although the visuals were less pronounced. From that amount smoked I definitely would have expected to see visuals and even if I had taken it orally, I would have expected more than the incredibly mild tracers I had. I held it under my tongue for around 10 minutes, perhaps this wasn't quite long enough? These were clean "scraps" from my last extraction and I was curious as to their effect sublingually. Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
SnozzleBerry wrote:... About two weeks ago I took around 100mg of rue-extracted harmalas sublingually and WOW...talk about fast-onset nausea. I almost never experience harmala-related nausea, even when smoking a lot of freebase mixed with cannabis (perhaps the cannabis helps in those cases, but even on oral I usually don't feel much if any nausea). Of this experience, the nausea was the first noticeable effect and it was rather strong. ...
That’s surprising. I would have thought that nausea could be completely eliminated via the sublingual route. If it isn’t, I’m not sure if there’s any benefit to high-dose sublingual vs. “normal” dose oral. Thanks for being our Guinea pig! gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.