I'm not sure if trip logs are 'allowed' in this area of the forum, but it seems like the right place. I'd like to keep a chronographic log of my trips to-date all in one post, but feel free to comment in-between my posts.
Firstly, let me preface this by saying all of these entries are merely stories of a long-lost spirit seeking his home. They do not reflect the events of any living person's life.
Entry 1: Suborbital CruiseRecently having finished a successful water-extraction of some Mimosa spp. root bark, I decided to test the sparkling crystals for their potency. Up until this point in time, I had never experienced anything potently, or even moderately, psychedelic. I had one negative experience with dextromethorphan, and one positive but light experience with Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms. I had no real sensory expectations for what might come from this experience, but having read an abundance of trip reports and anecdotal stories of both harrowing and blissful excursions into aetheric realms, I was understandably anxious.
The vector chosen to get the spirit molecule into my physical body was a design spun off "The Machine". It was simple in its design, but ultimately proved effective. In essence, it was a long, glass eyedropper tube within which some copper scrubby pad material was placed (pre-burned). I did not have a milligram scale with me, so I decided to eyeball the smallest of amounts to ease me into the psychedelic experience. A crystal the size of a couple grains of salt was placed in the pipe and carefully melted into the copper mesh. The pipe was ready.
I set some sitar music in the background to help me meditate. My heart was already racing in anticipation, and fearing an anxiety attack, I felt it necessary to meditate for a few minutes prior to inhalation. I breathed deeply for a few minutes to slow my heart and clear my mind, but as I brought the pipe to my mouth, the anticipation immediately returned. "I won't be calm until I know what it's like," I thought to myself as I thumbed the flint wheel. Sparks crackled as the flame danced to life. Carefully, I brought the pipe to my lips as I brought the tip of the flame near the end of the tube. I inhaled slowly but constantly. The air was cool at first, but got warmer as I drew more of the air into my lungs. Eventually I could taste an almost sour sensation on the tip of my tongue, but because my nasal pathway was closed during inhalation, I had no further sense of taste. I continued to inhale until the air got too warm for comfort. Near the end of inhaling, I noticed my body was autonomously attempting to cease inhalation, as though it were aware of some strange chemical was going along for the ride. Nevertheless, I managed to continue until all of the DMT was vaporized.
I held it in for roughly 30-40 seconds. Within the first few seconds I noticed colors intensified slightly, but not in a significant way. The biggest effects were of psychological quality. I felt a rising energy coming up from my spine. My immediate reaction was to resist it, as it was highly reminiscent of panic attacks I had experienced years before. I got up to go outside; often in these "panic modes", my immediate response is to run away from the location. But I immediately and forcefully told myself there was nothing to fear; I can handle this and time will pass no matter what, even if "I" disappear. I climbed back into the bed and closed my eyes. About a minute had passed at this point, but nothing overly sensational is occurring. I simply feel "different" at this point, with a moderate body high -- an "enlarged" head, fuzzy body borders, and a warmth radiating over my body.
At this point I decided I want to go deeper. I was feeling more connected with the eternal Now, the same profound feeling that I had felt years earlier in a period of Enlightenment, but it was now only a vague reflection. I prepared a marginally larger crystal and placed it into the pipe, allowing it to melt into the copper. Again, I brought the flame close to the pipe and inhaled. This time I felt quite a bit different. Still no visuals, but a definite sense of deepening of reality. My body and mind were becoming less important, but my ego was yearning to hang on. I knew I had to surrender to the Now and to the experience. The beauty of the moment was breath-taking. A simple ceiling tile held such deep and purposeful significance, something beyond typical verbal comprehension. I looked at it and understood. "What" I understood was irrelevant, but I knew what I needed to know.
I exhaled. The taste was highly reminiscent of "new shoes". I smiled at the uncanny similarity, and gazed out the window. I began to notice my vision would blur for a few moments after every blink, allowing the blurred light filtering through the leaves in the trees to appear as glistening snowflakes. Patterns in everyday objects were much more pronounced, and the interplay of texture and form was much more understandable. I smiled at the lost simplicity of the world.
I closed my eyes, looking to see if any CEVs would be visible. Nothing beyond the typical stars of the lid, though I did notice a vague outline of rotating concentric circles with angles spread throughout, a bit red in color. I took this to be the merkaba-portal for breakthrough, but it was too far in the distance to see in detail.
Other aspects of the trip I'd like to note is a peculiar sense of "being home", something I've read about before. It was ineffable, but definite and palpable. I was "here" again. I remember it vaguely from early childhood, prior to acquiring language and ego, and from long-passed dreams. It is difficult, if not impossible, to describe the sensation -- but imagine experiencing the reality that is
the purest essence of your being, stripped of all the meaningless egoic attachments, and that's the "home". It was the "I" prior to "I am me". Timeless, pure, beautiful, indescribable. It was vague during this trip, but I hope to return "home" once again, and in time, return in permanence.
-- Wanderer
Wandering back to the home I never left.
All posts made by this member (Wanderer) should be read and interpreted solely as fictional accounts of fantasy, and in no way represent or depict real events or the life of any living or deceased persons.