we have 4 cats and 2 of said 4 enjoy a hit o the herb once in a while....
not the forcefull kind... i.e. holding head,
but just blowing smoke in there general direction
they seem to like it, they will fallow a bowl around a cirle and sit in front of the pipe holder, waiting for there hit but.....
my one cat, welfair, shes a judge!
she will tell you if your weed is good its crazy!
she smells the hit and if its wack, her reaction is extream to say the least.
fucked up look on face shaking head run away ya know?\
has never happend with kush of any kind or hash.
she hates trainwreck and loves blue dot...
if you wanna know if your stash is first class just blow it at my cat..
weird right?
if u made it this far you are a champ, and although we may never meet you are also my friend.