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Looking for non-toxic method of conversion from Caapi Freebase Harmalas to salt form! Options
#1 Posted : 12/26/2010 1:21:57 AM
I've used Phosphoric, but the resulting Phosphates seemed sticky and hard to deal with.

I am wondering about Acetates. But since Vinegar evaporates I am wondering if the product will end up back as Freebase form. (stability?)

Then there's citrates. Would this be a good choice. If choosing just the right amount citric acid, that what left over, would not pose a problem to injest.

Any ideas for this?

There must be a simple non-toxic acid one can use minimally that can stay in the harmala powder after drying the soultion in dehydrator.

And of course be safely injested!

What about Fumaric Acid and water?

Isn't fumaric Acid safe to injest?

What about Vitamin C ???!!! Would this yield Harmala Asorbate? Embarrased

P.S. Acetone is not at all a solvent I want to deal with for this conversion...

Thanks for your time knowledgable ones...

#2 Posted : 12/26/2010 1:35:04 AM
yeah you can probably make some fumarate conversion. I never tried but I think it could work to simply dissolve freebase harmalas in FASW and evap that.

Another option which I know from experience works perfectly is simply redissolve the harmalas in vinegar and saturate with salt to precipitate harmalas as their HCl salt.. There will be plenty salt contamination but this is no problem, if you weigh the freebase harmalas before, you can just divide your final product in the equivalent number of doses.

good luck!
#3 Posted : 12/26/2010 2:00:48 AM
Actually my experience with Caapi Harmalas Re-precipitate via Manske was (and I belive I documented this in a post) was that only half or so (from high quality caapi) re-x-ed.

I concluded that THH most probably didn't come back -- very easily at least -- using salt. Anyone's experience to the contrary would be greatly appreciated.

I would be happy to try again.

My reasoning with Citrate was in part based on FW's choice of citrate -- at least at some point...

The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#4 Posted : 12/26/2010 2:17:30 AM
endlessness wrote:
yeah you can probably make some fumarate conversion. I never tried but I think it could work to simply dissolve freebase harmalas in FASW and evap that.

Check this thread: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=17532

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Moderator | Skills: Harm reduction, Analytical thinking
#5 Posted : 12/26/2010 2:18:56 AM
I made fumarates with hot water in which I suspended the harmalas and then added FASW. Took quite a bit of heat to get it going but it seems to have worked. Will try a higher dose of them soon to see if they really work...

much love
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
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mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
#6 Posted : 12/26/2010 2:34:09 AM
May I ask that a basic recipe/proportion Fumaric to Harmalas be suggested.

Since I see Fumaric sold in 500mg capsules for Skin Conditions and as a supplement,

then I feel comfortable with the idea of up to a 1:1 Ratio.

Especially since I don't believe I'll be taking 500mg harmalas anytime soon...

I would like to think however, that less than that would be necessary.

Maybe 100mg or less Fumaric Acid would be necessary to convert 200mg Freebase Caapi Harmalas?

And considering the possible synergy of a Dmitrius Fumarate combination; all the more reason I like the idea of Caapi Harmala Fumarate...

And also, if I am correct in that standard boiling water temperature heat is not an issue with the integrity of Harmalas, freebase or otherwise,

then I would like to figure out the minimum ratio of Fumaric Acid to Freebase Harmala to get a thorough dissolve, and hence success upon evaporation!

Thanks again...

#7 Posted : 1/3/2011 6:35:51 AM
And considering the possible synergy of a Dmitrius Fumarate combination; all the more reason I like the idea of Caapi Harmala Fumarate...

do you think there will be significant difference when preparing pharmahuasca if the caapi alks are in fb form vs salt(fumarate)?--aside from the added weight of the acid of course.
The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#8 Posted : 1/3/2011 4:11:52 PM
biopsylo wrote:
And considering the possible synergy of a Dmitrius Fumarate combination; all the more reason I like the idea of Caapi Harmala Fumarate...

do you think there will be significant difference when preparing pharmahuasca if the caapi alks are in fb form vs salt(fumarate)?--aside from the added weight of the acid of course.

Several experiences of several members with DMT-fumarate suggest that DMT-fumarate is better/faster absorbed than freebase. It sounds reasonable that this might be the case for harmalas too. Experiments with several harmala-salts are needed to see if this theory holds ground.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#9 Posted : 1/3/2011 8:00:15 PM
Several experiences of several members with DMT-fumarate suggest that DMT-fumarate is better/faster absorbed than freebase. It sounds reasonable that this might be the case for harmalas too. Experiments with several harmala-salts are needed to see if this theory holds ground.

ok, thanks. seems quite plausible. so if both are in fumarate form, then i assume that it would also not be necessary to dissolve in OJ before taking.

i like the idea if the conversion can be done with FASW then evap.
#10 Posted : 1/3/2011 9:14:26 PM
IF going for Harmala Fumarates, it seems the key would be to figure out the minimum amount of Fumaric acid needed to dissolve and transform an amount of FB Harmalas.

Since the solubility of Fumaric Acid and water is somewhat poor, I believe hot water should be used.

However, keep in mind that Fumaric acid is not only safe to consume in small quantities, it is actually prescribed in amounts of up to 500mg per dose. Although it might be more common in lower doses.

Update I just read a description of usage and it said no more than 6 capsules of 500mg per day.

BTW, Fumaric Acid is prescribed for certain skin conditions.

I guess the test is to dissolve the resulting (hopefully) Harmala salt.

Would the PH of the water after adding Fumaric Acid be a determining factor in whether or not the FB would be transformed?

For example does FB turn to salt at a set PH?

Thanks for any feedback...

P.S. IF taking them together it seems all the more reason to not have FB harmala acting slower than the Fumaric Light Ingredient.
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