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Syrian rue as an anti depressant? Options
#1 Posted : 9/30/2009 3:00:45 AM
Would small doses of Syrian Rue tea administered daily would as an effective anti-depressant, if dose could be calculated reliably? I'd rather use the extract of a plant than a pill if it will work just as well. Does anyone have an literature on this? Suggestions? I have read on this forum that some one was using Caapi tea as an 'as needed' anti-depressant with good results.

I have done a good amount of research about RIMA's and they seem relatively safe for my lifestyle and I have been on an SSRI that did help, but it felt more like addressing the symptoms rather than the problem.
I'm sorry if this has been talked about before, but couldn't find anything after searching. Thanks in advance.
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#2 Posted : 10/1/2009 1:34:17 PM
Syrian Rue does work as an antidepressant. It is mild though, so won't break through a real deep downer.
The problem I found with using it when needed was I just wouldn't feel like it when I needed it.
Thankfully I'm over that now!
Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#3 Posted : 10/1/2009 3:27:29 PM
^^^^ yea, that's pretty accurate...

Caapi is a great way to go if you're looking for an anti-depressant. The only time I ever found rue to be helpful with depression was when combined with micro doses of mushroom aborts (although i'm sure regular 'shrooms would work well too) essentially creating a maoi/psilocybin (read maoi/substitute seretonin) cocktail that was unquestionably not a trip, but boosted my mood and mental state for a week or two, allowing me to work past things in my life.

For deep depression, I dunno, I've been lucky so far, hope this helps.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
Senior Member
#4 Posted : 10/1/2009 3:46:51 PM
Caapi is an incredibly healing plant. It allowed me to completely reprogram my central nervous system / psyche.
It also seemed to guide me to be who I truly was supposed to be.
I reached a point in my entheogenic work when I felt I was...done... for a good long while.
It blew my mind... I'm sober for the first time in my life.

This universe is composed of consciousness. Change yours for the better and your entire world will seem to change with it.

Some people don't like the path they are on, and need to create new pathways.

When I run out of whole vine, I work with caapi in spagyric form:

Rue tends to be more harsh than caapi physically and emotionally. I've noticed a bit of a mania feeling the day after a rue session. (Rue spirit is also quite sassy, blunt, ancient. I have had it manifest as a voice with personality on multiple occasions...which fascinates me. )
#5 Posted : 10/1/2009 5:02:38 PM
Rue will work, in VERY small doses. Because of other, slightly toxic alkaloids in Rue I would not recommend it for daily use unless a Manske extraction was use, extracting only Harmaline and Harmine.

Caapi on the other hand, can be used daily withtout any problem.

I have used unreduced Caapi for depression on MANY occasions. Because I am not going for full MAO inhibition there is little worry about MAOI issues.

100grams in 1/2 gallon of water, cooked for 3-4 hours, strained, and cooked again in 1/2 gallon water for 3-4 hours will get most of the alkaloids you want. Smaller amounts can be used, and the water ratio is not exact. Just cook it until you are not getting yellow/brown water anymore. Do an eggwhite filtration on it and you will have crystal clear golden colored Caapi tea. Add sugar to taste and enjoy 1-2x daily. A small tea cup is more than enough. It takes 2-3 days for the antidepressant effects to be felt fully, but even after the first dose a change can be felt.

Caapi over Rue every time. Yeah it's a bit more expensive, but really, you get what you pay for on this one.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#6 Posted : 10/1/2009 6:04:18 PM
Rue is great and cheap source of harmine and harmaline. ILPT almost never buy caapi because he prefer isolating harmalas from rue using combination of manske and a/b separation.Some rue extracts are damn dirty and it`s time consuming to clean it up standard and make decent consumables, but he enjoing this actvities.

He prefer isolated harmine for trippy things , but have to say that about 30 mg of isolated harmaline just dissolved in mouth have great antidepressive effect.

He tried grinded raw rue too, but didn`t like the effects of other alks

He also tried 10 grams of WHOLE (not crushed not grinded) rue seeds just splashed down with water and felt antidepressive effects whilst wasn`t sick at all
As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
Senior Member
#7 Posted : 10/1/2009 8:13:30 PM
I would definately prefer caapi over rue. Acolon_5 is right, it is a powerfull healer.

If you choose rue, it would be best to take it in the morning, since it can keep you awake at night, wich is not a good thing when you're depressed.
Senior Member
#8 Posted : 10/1/2009 8:30:38 PM
10 grams of raw rue?
That would most likely explode my heart...
#9 Posted : 10/1/2009 8:45:20 PM
۩ wrote:
10 grams of raw rue?
That would most likely explode my heart...

Yep bro THE WHOLE SEEDS (not chewed or encapsulated powder). He never would even think about eating 10 grams of powdered or crushed seeds, that`s just insane Shocked lol
As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
#10 Posted : 10/2/2009 3:17:01 AM
Caapi sounds like it is worth the extra expense. Thank you all for the replies, but I have one more question to ask. If I wanted to brew some of the tea, could I add vitamins, choline products, piracetam and other use full things into the tea with out any problems? I loathe taking pills, and I could much more easily drink a bad tasting tea every day, rather than swallowing a bunch of pills.

By allowing this message to pass through your cornea, into your retina, you accept it as is and agree to my disclaimer regarding my posts that they are a complete falsification by doing so freeing me of all liability, direct, indirect, consequential or incidental that may arise from the instillation of this post in your memory bank.
#11 Posted : 10/2/2009 2:03:21 PM
I've only once used caapi and it worked very well. I brewed 30gr. of white caapi and drank the tea. Then I was just lying in the bedroom sofa for hours very relaxed and hearing sounds in distance that I would never have picked up. Had a bit scrambled sight also and got a bit nauseous but not enough to throw up.

The next week I was very high on life and my senses were stronger. Music sounded better and I felt very good in general Smile
This was around a year ago and I'm doing this again soon. Just need to find the time Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#12 Posted : 10/6/2009 6:23:03 PM
cappi is good for general depression and puts you in a amazing mental mindset to take on the world + reduce anxiety. and its legal! with psychs eventually you can destroy your fear of people.

though there will always be those few with powers stronger than yours no matter how skilled a wizard you become, those darts can spin ones mind in unpredictable fashions...
All of my posts are fiction.
#13 Posted : 10/6/2009 8:34:24 PM
DMTripper wrote:
I've only once used caapi and it worked very well. I brewed 30gr. of white caapi and drank the tea. Then I was just lying in the bedroom sofa for hours very relaxed and hearing sounds in distance that I would never have picked up. Had a bit scrambled sight also and got a bit nauseous but not enough to throw up.

The next week I was very high on life and my senses were stronger. Music sounded better and I felt very good in general Smile
This was around a year ago and I'm doing this again soon. Just need to find the time Smile

30grams is a full dose (full MAO inhibition), the same effects (for depression at least) can be had at 3-5 grams/ 2x a day. I'm not suprised you got a bit sick to the stomach, full doses of Caapi can do this (La Purga)...some think that this purge is VERY important in cleansing the body/soul of toxins.

Large doses of caapi (75-200grams depending on sensitivity and stregnth of the Caapi) is quite visionairy and extremely healing, no DMT needed. It's a rough ride, not for parties, clubbing, or socalizing...but it sure does work.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#14 Posted : 12/31/2010 4:39:02 PM
I was interested in using entheogens on a daily basis or say 4 days out of the week for working through depression and low self esteem. At this time I am going through a very difficult time in life and I would love to work with plants on a daily or every other day basis. I don't have a job right now, so I don't have 100% clear headed, but I'd like to be as functional as possible, as I have already implemented a weekly workout routine to help fight off depression and falling into a rut.

I have read the above posts about using caapi. So let me get this straight; 3 to 5 grams of white caapi twice a day is enough to help heal from depression? Could I do the tea tek and then let it evaporate and use the resin to capsulate in gelcaps with capsule machine? Or could I just get powdered caapi and just caspule straight away without any extraction?

Also does it matter what color caapi I use?
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