An incredible thing happened the other day. My skepticism was slaughtered as I watched a cloud dissipate before my very eyes.
I just finished reading the book
The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto. In it, the delicate and most peculiar traits of water crystals are examined. When exposed to spoken or written words, the water crystals were photographed and seemed to be affected by positive vs negative words, ideas, and images. This fascinated me. Was it possible that water understood the difference between negative and positive words and images? And if so, how?
Besides the entire concept of the book being somewhat strange to me, there was one idea in it that struck me as, well, kooky. The author suggested that the power of our thoughts is so strong it can make a cloud evanesce. That is to say,
I have the power to make a cloud disappear with my
mind! Just by thinking the cloud can disappear, I can make it actually disappear. A cloud… In the sky…
Crazy, right?
Skeptical by nature, I insisted on testing and debunking this theory. So, I followed the directions in the book given by Dr. Emoto:
“On a particularly clear day, look up in the sky and target just one cloud, maybe one not too large… When you are ready, imagine an invisible beam of energy being sent from your consciousness towards the cloud, breaking it up into pieces… Then say in the past tense, ‘The cloud has disappeared,’ and at the same time… say to the energy, ‘Thank you for doing that.’ If you follow these steps… the cloud will start to thin out and disappear in a matter of minutes.”
It was indeed a particularly clear day as I drove in my car down a long stretch of road. Driving in my car I looked up at the sky at a small, unassuming cloud. I thought, “OK, let’s try this one.” Focusing on the cloud as much as I could while driving with cars on either side of me, I said to the cloud, “The cloud disappeared. Thank you for disappearing.” I repeated it a couple times as I looked up at the cloud.
Trying not to run into the car in front of me, I switched my focus back to the road. And about a minute or two later I looked back up to an empty spot in the sky. I looked for the cloud I had just told to get lost, and to no avail… I couldn’t find it. But, I thought to myself, “Eh, I lost track of it. It probably moved and now I can’t find it.” Experiment #1 deemed unsuccessful in my eyes, as I was sure the cloud had simply moved.
True scientific research relies on repeated experiments. Thusly, experiment #2 was underway after I parked my car. I had to test it again so I could really debunk this crazy cloud idea. I looked up at the sky and found a cloud slightly bigger than the last one. I stood there, alone, just me and the cloud.
I focused all my attention to this cloud and said aloud, “The cloud disappeared.” And again focusing my energy, I said to it, “Thank you for disappearing.” I repeated this statement as I stared straight at this cloud, still with a hint of disbelief.
After 5 seconds I noticed the cloud break into two pieces. OK, not a big deal. Clouds do this all the time.
After 10 seconds both pieces of the cloud were completely separated.
After 30 seconds both pieces seemed to shrink.
60 seconds, the smaller of the two pieces was virtually gone. The larger chunk was undeniably smaller and shrinking by the second.
All the while I was still repeating the phrase, “Thank you for disappearing.” And after about a minute, my voice began to get a little shaky as I tried to hold my composure while watching this cloud evanesce before my very eyes. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I didn’t even want to blink! My mind was officially blown.
Just about a minute and a half to two minutes later the cloud was completely gone. I watched, barely blinking, as the cloud just disappeared. Once it had vanished, I stopped repeating the phrase and just stood there in complete awe and amazement with my jaw almost to the ground. I had actually made a cloud disappear with my mind!
I had tested every cynical and doubtful cell in my body, and I was left astonished and stupefied by what had just happened and what I had just accomplished.
Dr. Emoto was right. It
is possible to “erase” a cloud with your own thoughts. My skepticism was completely defunct. The power thought is a lot stronger than I had originally believed. Moreover, water actually understands our thoughts and responds to them. It may be because we are all made of water… somewhere around 60% - 70%. So perhaps we should take the time to express our gratitude (something we don’t do enough) to our old friend, H2O. It is, after all, a part of us. And according to this experiment, it connects our minds to nature as a conductor of love and gratitude.
just be yourself... everyone else is already taken