fractal enchantment wrote:pau wrote:Some years ago , just a few weeks after I learned about mediation and pranayama breathing exercises, I was practicing pranayama for a few minutes before I went to bed. At the same time I was attempting to quiet my mind (which I believe is easier to do while doing pranayama).
I broke through, with infinite power...I lost all sense of body, and my consciousness expanded in a fraction of a second to fill and become the entire universe ... I "felt" there was nothing I could not know or see about the past present and future of everything. There had not been any psychadelics in my system for a year. Yeah, the speck of "I" that was rapidly disappearing during this event got freaked out and decided with great effort to switch the experience off before the "I" was gone for good. But the same thing happened the following night. (both times, before the blastoff, there was a period of maybe half a minute where everything around me, including empty space, seemed like it was made of sparkling blue dots).
I have not broken through with spice or any other entheogens yet, but many of the reports here sound awfully similar. So yeah, I believe that pranayama is connected with endogenous dmt production. I also believe if you go down this road, your own karma will determine what you go through and how "far" you can get ... no scientist will even invent a pill that will just like that take you into instant buddhahood or enlightenment or whatever you want to call it. For that I believe you need some kind of guidance (even if it is completely internal), or else you'll probably go mad or die. IMHO, of course, what the hell do I know?!?!
I recall reading that Dr Strassman is working on tests that will measure the tiny amounts of dmt in people's bodies. I think that this would be a very big deal! I have had those sort of experiences as well..many times. It always seems to happen late at night after I have slept for at least an hour or 2..I will wake up in my bed, in the dark, into a state resembling an extremely clear and vivid ayahuasca peak..I can see the grids and everything. On a few occasions I then started to expand and leave my body and enter the lives of other, seemingly random people. I lived through them, and was them. I had no idea who these people were. At times i would reabsorb into this thing that was like a net of energy, connecting all of us..then I would focus in on some other soul making up this net and enter into them and have the experience of being is really really strange. I wish I knew what neurotransmitters are playing a role here, but I would suspect melatonin, pinoline and 5meo DMT at least, prob alongside a bunch of bad I cant do it at will. I also had one other experience where I was taken abord a ship by a race of humans from another world. All I can think of is that I had lots of cacao that day. I fell asleap late at night on my couch, and the next thing I know I am leaving my body and boarding this ship with these beings. They were very kind to me and took me way off into another galaxy..where exactly I cant recall. They were explaining to me all this complex stuff about how they were once connected to us, like we came from the same world. Long ago there was some event or something, Im not sure really, but it split us and now they live off in this other galaxy, or maybe it was another dimension..but the showed me how our worlds are somehow comming back together..they are far far more advanced technologically than we are, and also have tremendous shamanic technologies..they said the mayans and other cultures had ways of communicating with them. They are like our brothers and sisters from the past and care greatly about us and want us to thrive and save our world as they have done. They're world is like an eden now, as they were able to develope sustainable technologies that worked parallell to the natural environment, as opposed to against it. Alot went on that I couldnt recall when I got back..they brough me back to my sleeping body and I snapped up on my couch in the dark, awake. I sat there for about a good hour just freaking blown away. It was sooooooo real..unlike normal dreams I have.. There are definatily some weird neurotransmitters released at certain times at night..what conditions facilitate them etc I am not sure.. BTW..I was really into astral projection, lucid dreaming and meditation way before I tried any psychedelic because my mother had all these books on this stuff..she used to talk to me and show me these robert monroe books all the time..maybe that plays some role..I have always had natural sleep paralysis, projection and lucid dreams..and still do to this day. Dude, look into The Palidians(sp). Sounds an AWEFUL lot like what you describe them explaining. I'll find you the link to the video i watched about it later if I remember but dont have time to find it now. Im sure you can dig up some info though. Step forward into your cave. That's right. You're going deeper into your cave. And you're going to find, your power animal...
Imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light. It moves over your body, healing you. Now keep this going, remember to breathe, and step forward through the backdoor of the room. Where does it lead?
wow fractal, that's two awesome stories there. You are so lucky to be that near the edge that you can slip over there without botanical assistance. I'm very jealous! Even if they were just dreams, I want them! Liméni
This morning i kept waking up & falling back asleep again, every time as i fell back to sleep it was exactly like falling into a DMT trip, except the fractal patterns only lasted a few seconds before i fell into total blackness/deep sleep.
Its like being dipped into universal consciousness, one second im a person closing my eyes falling asleep, then i see the fractal kaleidescope patterns, it's as if consciousness is spread out over the total pattern, its like the totality of consciousness can't focus on being just a little person so behind that personal filter theres this immense infinite fractal linking all the seemingly separated individual consciousness' together, the ocean, and in sleep we dip back into it, but in the dipping 'I' am totally gone, it really felt like blasting off though, for those few seconds of falling asleep it was exactly like the onset of vaped DMT.
I remember when i first smoked DMT it was quite a big session and in the following days whenever i woke up in the morning i could feel the DMT had affected how i wake up from deep sleep into dream state into waking consciousness, i could definitely feel a difference & it certainly wasn't as enjoyable as this mornings dip in the universal ocean of consciousness. It was more of a 'stutter' of waking up.
From subjective experience i would guess that DMT is released endogenously in between these three states. Im not saying whether that's a good thing or a bad thing as my experience of it has gone either way, just reporting.
I had a dream last night that I sniffed yopo with a shaman. It was a very enlightening experience. I think it happened because this topic was fresh on my mind so I tried to explore the possibility of inducing endogenous DMT on myself. I sure did feel like I was tripping.
Chronic wrote: Its like being dipped into universal consciousness, one second im a person closing my eyes falling asleep, then i see the fractal kaleidescope patterns... From subjective experience i would say that for sure no doubt DMT is released endogenously in between these three states, and smoking DMT can effect its release during these states. Im not saying whether that's a good thing or a bad thing as my experience of it has gone either way, just reporting.
Sometimes when I'm awakened suddenly from REM sleep, I see kaleidescopic patterns. It only happens rarely, however, and lasts about 30 seconds. Smoking DMT in your waking life may be giving you an idea of what to look for in terms of endogenous production. I wonder how many times before I tried DMT that this has happened and I just wrote it off as grogginess.
Mattritt, you're right. The Palidins are right on top of this matter, tho it took a few listens to make the connection you were referring to. I was fortunate to find a link to one of their events in The Netherlands a couple of years ago (before Dave Gonzalez broke his wrist).!
dream_denizen wrote:I had a dream last night that I sniffed yopo with a shaman. It was a very enlightening experience. I think it happened because this topic was fresh on my mind so I tried to explore the possibility of inducing endogenous DMT on myself. I sure did feel like I was tripping. sometimes I dreamt about smoking pcp or insufflating ketamine, sure did feel like I was in the void "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck