i completely get what you mean fractal! you are correct. there are times when i feel like something is "bothering me" and can't figure out what it is...that's when i know i NEED to dose. obviously my sober mind can't figure it out. but...if i'm am having doubts and can directly trace out why i'm doubting, IME, it's best to deal with it sober, because it's usally a conscious problem that doesn't require a dredging up of repressed thoughts.
i've found that if i can deal with it sober, there's no need to use psychedelics as a crutch (not syaing that's what they are but i believe quite a few of the things we learn from the trip, we could learn without the trip but it makes it so much easier). i don't want my conscious mind to become lazy and get to where i need to trip to solve issues. plus, if i'm having deeper issues that i need to dose for, it is something i acutally plan to trip for. i usually don't get the "whoa...there's something that just popped up in my subconscious" right before i dose, so if i get the jitters before dosing, it's USUALLY because of some other issue i can usually hunt down sober and handle, and then dose in the next day or two.
i've had had the "i really shouldn't dose right now" thought and still did twice: both times were a nightmare. paranoia. again, fractal, i'm mostly experienced with lsd. i keep saying that just cuz i want everyone who reads and hasn't read elsewhere to know that i'm actutally experienced with, since it's not spice (the main focal of this forum).
but i will say that i've yet to have a trip (good or bad) that has had a lasting negative effect on my life! i've flipped my switch a couple times. lost my mind. scared the shit outta myself but everytime i've had one of these "bad trips", on the other side was me with a cleaner soul. know what i mean? i couldn't imagine coming down with the flu in the midst of a trip...especially aya (never done it but from reading i can tell that would be hell). i'm at home with flu today, apoc. i hate being sick...
embrace your nothingness...it's all you are...