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Alpha-methyltryptamine Options
New member
#1 Posted : 11/29/2010 2:35:00 PM
so, saturday night and a select religious few forming a kabal of voyagers, P, D, C and my beautiful beloved alien
girlfriend decided to take some a-MT, alphamethyltryptamine, which is chemically very simmelar to DMT,
but because of the alteration, it becomes active orally. Dosages were 25 - 30mg each.
My beautiful alien girl didn't consume any dose.

Time to kick in was about 1hr 30 as we had just cooked a meal for everyone. The first signs were classic
seratonin raise leading to some giggling and general lightheadedness, and then a sudden morphing of the patterns
on the curtains, which lasted only a moment.

After watching some films (a terrible choice, I know) I rated the dose a + on the shulgin scale and decided to
retire and try to sleep. Sleep wasn't an option at this point, Although there was a classic tryptamine-goggles
look to everything, I was definately in the midst of something deep. In hindsight, I would rate it at '++'.

There were points where I would find myself the only entity in existance, and then return. There were many visions
to be had: most of which were extremely cosmic in nature, concerning oneness and the big bang, the samsahra of
everything, peace, evolution, cosmic connection of the all, my role as a creator.
Although the trip itself wasn't extremely energetic, which is why I would rate it a ++,
the subject matters were extremely important. Curiously, it was almost all in black and white and shades
of grey, and hardly any colours. Although it was colourful in the earlier stages.

At one point, I said 'darling' referring to my loved one; and it was as if I had picked
up the cosmic telephone of allmightyness and completely flipped the rules of everything, whatever I was experiencing
at that point was completely changed. There was a gasp from around me, Obviously I was surrounded by consiousness
of somekind, and I saw a beautiful display of white and grey whisps, a classic "totem" if you know what I mean,
with the whisps meeting in a point of light which descended in a beam down to the ground. It was as If connecting
to my darling had absoloutely changed the rules and the meaning of everything, entirely.
It was as if she were as far away as I had ever known, but yet, right with me. I think male and female principles,
yin and yang, meet at right angles in the universe.

Later I found myself in an absoloutely black space. A tiny voice said "what have you DONE?!" and I experienced
some kind of big bang / samsahra, a stretching of my entire being with a giant yawn. I had numerous revisits to
this kind of experience again and again through the night, thinking about energy returning to source and saying
to myself (about the big stretch) ah well, I needed a run anyway!
Every part of me knew that it was just time, there was no telling everyone or anything like that.
Eveyone just knows it when it's time.

After that I came back to the room, Stared out the window a bit, Though about choosing to be older, so that I
can get further with my interest in chemistry. Realised how beautiful my girlfriend is, had some on and off sex.
Meditated a bit, but my stamina was trashed and I was all over the place. Better to have tried than not tried.

comparing this particular a-MT experience with a typical LSD experience,
a-MT is more "cloudy" more "mist-like" than LSD. Although it is a tryptamine,
and produces tryptamine effects, it defiantely has a touch of the spirit-mollecule (the 'spirit' part) in it.
It was quite static and gentle, whereas LSD for me, is very electric and neon.
although, when I used LSD, I knew nothing of the power of meditation. a focused mind produces focused trips,
and focused, stable trips, produce beauty and clarity.

The guys and everyone didn't talk much about the trip on the way home, but my appreciation for life was renewed,
enjoyment still enhanced. Snow everywhere, Beautiful.

so in summary, defiantely powerful, quite a long lasting (6 - 8 hours) experience which will make it impossible to
sleep. Defianately has power in it. Meditate, It will help your journey.


ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#2 Posted : 11/29/2010 10:15:00 PM
Great trip report!
This is exactly the convincing I was looking for to take the plunge headfirst into a pool of aMT goodness myselfVery happy
You make it sound like much more than just an mdma "candy" psychedelic and that's wonderful news for me.

Did you experience any debilitating nausea like I've been reading about? That's been the one thing putting me off.

Would you take the same dose again if you were to repeat or change it somehow?

Do you have freebase or HCL aMT?

How were you feeling after you finally got some rest?

Sorry for all the questions lol, I'm curious to know what I'm getting myself into!Laughing

Once again wonderful report, you really managed to capture the spiritual/psychedelic side to aMT which was lacking in most other reports I've read. You've raised my spirits again that this substance can provide profound "tryptamine" moments, and is not just a "feel-good" drug (although that's certainly a benefit! Like a mono-drug candy-flip, I assume.)
Disclaimer: All Entheogens and other research materials are not for Human consumption! I have researched by text the effects of consuming such things in case of accidental consumption. I have never actually consumed any of the materials I speak about and it should be assumed I'm speaking hypothetically. I have a wild imagination.
New member
#3 Posted : 11/29/2010 10:40:28 PM
Did you experience any debilitating nausea like I've been reading about? That's been the one thing putting me off.

Would you take the same dose again if you were to repeat or change it somehow?

Do you have freebase or HCL aMT?

How were you feeling after you finally got some rest?

No one reported even the slightest hint of nausia. Although I felt the usual tryptamine feeling, and was a little tired the next day, it was nothing compared to trips I've had before, which have left my body and my mind feeling drained for days, but this may be dependant on dosage.

It is definably not just an MDMA-type 'buzz'.

After I had rested, I felt great. I plan on taking some more once I have fully integrated this
trip and can set aside some time, when I am feeling that I am on top of things and in a good place.


ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#4 Posted : 11/30/2010 2:30:54 AM
thanks for sharing, Shoe!
wonderfully written.
meditation is, indeed, one of the greatest allies.
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