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250x KRATOM !!! Options
#1 Posted : 7/18/2008 5:06:17 AM
i like kratom. As an ex opiate addict that has experience w/ persian opium,needless to say,i also like opiates too (but i am staying away from them).Kratom ,not being an opiate although it tingles those opiate receptors, i decided to give a try (few months back).Me and the lady decided to buy 3g each of 15x extract from a local head shop (rip off).So we made the tea and got the nice warm body high.Within two hrs.,i'm on the net trying to find the best kratom vendorsLaughing So i purchased 100g of this resin and 15 -20 g had me feeling pretty good.One night i drank 25 g and made my girl a 13g tea but she didnt want it,so instead of wasting it i drank it which brought me up to 38g.I felt like i had smoked opium.I was nodding out and having those opium dreams that are so nice.i stumbled upon a site that advertised 250x kratom and i'm thinking to myself yeah right!? .5 g 34$ usd Shocked thats absurd.Needless to say it sparked my interest more and i ended up buying 3 g. If anyone decides to buy this stuff start out w/ .2 g and see how you feel.I thought because i did 38g of the resin,that i could handle a whole gram.i was laid outLaughing i felt like i did a little too much heroin but not enough to overdose.This stuff is absurdly expensive but it is absurdly strong.The next time i did it i took.4g and was feelin quite nice.BE CAREFUL.just thought i'd share all that w/yall
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
alt 14
#2 Posted : 7/20/2008 4:17:27 PM
How does kratom tea compare to poppy pod tea? I mean you can get poppy pods on ebay or any other online vendor for like $1/pod which works out to like 4 bucks a dose (if you don't have a tolerance). Oh, and if you had problems with opes in the past and want to stay clean (good choice btw) probably shouldn't do the poppy tea seeing how it has morphine codeine and all the other bitter-sweet opiate alkaloids.
#3 Posted : 7/20/2008 10:00:58 PM
I agree, which is exactly why i dont use the poppy teas.Kratom isnt an opiate but it does affect the opiate receptors and can be habit forming if used quite regularly.As an ex-opiate addict, even kratom is dangerous because it awakens that desired feeling that opiates give.So swim must keep himself "in check". Swim really likes taking kratom an hr. or so before a dmt lift off because it eases a little of that pre dmt apprehension plus dmt (so i heard) tends to enhance the effects of other ethneogens or substances.Swim has notice strong waves of ktatom euphoria after coming down from dmt.
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
#4 Posted : 7/22/2008 8:55:00 AM
I liked kratom too. It isn't an opiate but neither is fentanyl or methadone; those are opioids. 5-hydroxymitragynine is an opioid because it activates opioid receptors. Addictive. I was doing kratom 3x a day after a while, and it was just to stay almost normal. I was having bad anxiety and didn't enjoy it anymore.
#5 Posted : 7/23/2008 6:57:09 AM
REALLLLLLY? hmmmmm ive been on and off for a while. i thought the Kratom was bullshit so i never ordered it. good to know its pretty cool stuff. i wonder if kratom would get someone off sick?
( i have subs so all is well :twistedSmile
#6 Posted : 7/23/2008 8:33:08 PM
Swim knows someone who'm is heavily addicted to oxycontin and swim suggested him trying the 250x before he took his mornig fix.Because he has a pretty big habit,which is sad (i know what it's like).He didnt get high like swim did (i was on the heavy nod on 1 g) but he didnt feel sick either.It might be a good opiate substitute.Opiates suck but they feel so good.
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
#7 Posted : 7/26/2008 8:43:15 PM
interesting. you say he didn't get dope sick ? at all? i mean it kind of makes sense if it acts on the same opiate receptors as heroin/oxycontin. but damn if kratom works for the sickness that itself is pretty amazing and should be looked into. it could be a valuable alternative to Suboxone and that shit is a miracle drug! one quarter of an 8mg pill gets most anyone off sick in like 5 mins! but ive seen teeny boppers abusing suboxone to get high
#8 Posted : 7/29/2008 2:25:29 AM
suboxone is not a feel good drug,it's to get off opiates.I'ts unfortunate there are clueless kids getting high off it. I was interested to see my friends reaction aswell and even though he didnt get high,he didnt get sick.I think suboxone is the best to ween down on to as small a dose as possible and when its time to "jump off" to your baseline then use kratom for the minor discomfort.Kratom isnt an opiate,it just activates your opiate receptors and it can be addictive.Someone on 2mg of suboxone will get high off of .2-.4 g of the 250x kratom,it wont make you sick like taking a normal opiate would,when taking suboxone.Although it can trigger that desire for opiates.
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
#9 Posted : 8/8/2008 1:52:52 AM
Swim ordered anither 10g of the 250x kratom.It raelly is the way to go. On .3 of a a gram swim is feeling very nice.He was used to drinking 25 g of resin tea which tastes horrible.With 250 kratom swim puts a tiny bit of kratom (he weighs it out) into a shot glass w/ boiling water and a little honey and it goes down smooth.The prices on .5g is like $34 which seems outrageous but it is definately equivelent to the potentcy and you dont have to drink a whole lot.He went back to order more and since he bought from them before they offer a 5 and 10 g special.I forget exactly what swim paid for 10g but iy came out to a little over $20 for a half g as oppose to $34 and the company through in an extra 2 g's!! which noramally would be $136 usd (they just added it).This company is quick w/ service and they package the material verry efficiently.Swim is impressed w/ these guys.$34 seems crazy for .5 g, I know but i'm telling you its worth it.I dont know if i'm allowed to post vendors here but i'm gonna step out on a limb.Ther called Speciosa Specialists and i think there out of chicago.If you like kratom,definately check out there 250x extract.
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
#10 Posted : 9/3/2008 2:31:59 PM
I know that Kratom, in addition to giving people a high similar to an opiate buzz, sometimes gives physical malaise like nausea, cramping, and dizziness.

A certain individual owns a 5 year old Kratom plant, of the "white vein" variety. Despite confirming the species and taking leaf collections during different seasons and from different locations on the plant, said individual has yet to achieve even moderate effects from his plant--despite several successful attempts using material from various vendors.
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