Set & setting : Mid Morning approx 1 month ago on a nice summer day , sun peaking through the drawn curtains, and overall a serene and peaceful environment in my home , I have Solfeggio Frequencies playing in the background ( thanks Ant!) and have been meditating to them and doing Yoga on and off for a hour or two.
Now in my room with 2 sleeping dogs at the end of my bed, curtains drawn so it is dark. I sit up , cross legged in bed with the VG loaded with electric sheep and a lil extra magic elf dust to ensure a vivid journey.
as we begin, the usual geometric and linear patterns form spaces and 4th dimensions that I always seem to go through in the beginning, flashes of morphing faces along the pulsating and morphing walls which move in a conveyor belt motion up and down start to create forms and shapes.. there are rooms here...
It gets a little bit fuzzy now, and I recall at one point witnessing impossible and beautiful Golden cities forming under a brilliant blue sky , the sun shining brightly, but I don't see it, I can see the sun light and felt the warmth, the entire city forms and dissolves and reforms at speeds that you can only imagine, too I get a bit fuzzy on the details...
at some point I find myself in discussions with an African Priestess, in a African jungle like setting. She is powerful and has a stern face, eyes flashing wide as she commands others around her and deals with me, this "intruder" , apparently at some point I was being told by her and her attendees that was not supposed to be here, quite yet, I wasn't ready.
I am missing a big chunk here, I know alot happened , and I was shown incredible things = but it evades me ...I likely cant recall 90% of this journey.
then, at one point I find myself floating in a Rainbow ocean under the clear blue sky and sunshine , I am warm and feel nothing but pure love and bliss, I am now weightless and feel completely content and happy, I never have to leave this place.
I am floating alone in this endless rainbow ocean, the waters are pure love and fantastic colors, Waves of color wash over me like real waves and as they hit me, they are warm and full of healing. Ahhhh so good! They splash like real waves , and when they splash, they become wonderful fractals and spin off into eternity.
The colors and images are beyond words but so so lovely. I float here for several minutes in the most beautiful and wonderful experience of my entire life, this is heaven.
as it fades slowly, I try to hang on to this space, and as I finally open my eyes, lying in fetal position on my bed. all I can muster are the words "Glorious beauty" I think that sums it up nicely.
The journey had gone on for approx 1/2 hour , and I had lay there for almost 2 more hours, not wanting to move and disturb the peaceful serenity I was enjoying.
Changa is medicine, this experience has changed me, and I will never forget how much love and bliss I was shown. I love you all.
Obviously everything the Shaman says is Hyperspace Hyperbole