Swim has finally finished his Acid base extraction and has evaporated his product in a large pyrex dish. During this i had left a paper towel over it to make sure dust was staying out, when I checked up upon this the paper towel had fallen in and soaked some of the naptha up, but there is still lots of crystals on the base of the pan. My question is if i soak the paper towel in naptha, should i be able to pull out what is lost or would it be a better idea to supersaturate the paper towel in water, then add the naptha, as no dmt should dissolve and none of the naptha will be soaked back into the towel.
Thanks for the help
Disclaimer: I am merely a figment of your imagination. I lurk between the deepest crevices of your mind, seeking distortions. I am consciousness, all that it true and pure. For I am no human being, I am a observatory tourist of all that is life. Everything I say is nothing but a just rationalization of what I say, although none are true events. Everything is changing, a constant loop, as am I