Okay, Sorry its a bit of a long one (
SWIM Had the pleasure of returning to the DMT visions. Lately his lifestyle has changed and he hasn't been able to dive into the spice very often, which is both a good and a bad thing.
He now feels re-spiced and as if he's put things right in his internal world.
I think I have to emphasise that your spiritual life is AS important as your physical life. I think that the two are completely intertwined and unseperate. SWIM definately felt that the spice had been calling, quietely, too quietly perhaps, for a long time. far too long.
He finds living a spiritual life keeps him very contented in a way which cannot be achieved without exploring the utterly unknown and unknowable. He's probably just psychologically addicted to the
utter thrill of exploring. but, FUN?! DMT IS FUN!?? he remarked earlier: "FUCK THAT, THIS SHIT IS OFF THE HOOK, WAAAY BEYOND "FUN" !!!" Take that however you wish, but mainly He means the realms that one can voyage into on DMT are so far
beyond our ken that 'fun' really doesn't even come close, its waaaaaaay more serious than that:- You may be seduced by alien seductresses who gently massage your brain into infinity or you may hop into a trigonal-planar elf existance where everything you do spins and spirals off in a thousand millon different dimensions.... land of the echoes. a very, very confusing place to be.
so, a few sessions with the spice: main visions and things encountered included:
- sitting still at the desk, witnessing beingness inside beingness, everything was static and unmoving and unchanging, it was as if everything co-existed perfectly at one instant and it all sat perfectly together, through, over, ontop, for one moment. SWIM explored visions by altering his perspective of them. He also tried to follow teachings of bhudda and not to avoid nor to attract these things but merely to notice them. (see: the middle way)
There were very strange feelings of moving through different layers of this permamence, witnessing different acts and communications. It all felt very solid and very real which was a great feeling. I wound gather that this is something to do with SWIM's medidation and exploration of the tau - the great unchanging.... who knows. Its something which he's encountered many times on DMT. that sort of non-space where everything happens simultaneously, and by rotating your perspective, changing the way you view it, you can change what you are viewing
without moving. hehe... "traveling... without moving..."
SWIM also spiced while sitting mediatatively, although admittedly he hadn't done much relaxation. He chased the feeling of travelling along inside himself, and felt all this other 'machinary' or visions of permamence (of the same type as the first session's visions, exactly the same as usual DMT type visions) being spun off as a kind of output of this chase. Eventually he isolated the feeling and that trip was over. He was then left in this part. Other visions and explorationnynessynesses: there were lots of voices coming out of the music, a great murmoring as if there were 10,000 people in his room, but that it was a vast hall.
SWIM hadn't spiced for a long time, and it was as if the room were full of hoards of spirits
waiting to be healed, shamanstic explorations of the spice world. When SWIM reached for a meditative state above all of the suffering, he was able to heal them and the voices died down. SWIM doesn't know whether this was real or not real or imagined or spice-visioned or what, so please dont' be like "AHHh you can't heal people ..." I am counting on the love and the respect of the nexus members for this one.
Then, oh my great good god. That place. As SWIM said after he had 'exited'... "oh my god, that place, that
fucking place." I have to emphasise this was said with a smile on his face, and a small laugh. It was a good kind of 'that fucking place.' a good hit of DMT was smoked standing up, and lately swim has been feeling these tiny twitches in his eyelids. It may be something to do with meditation, he isn't sure. (signs of progression toward enlightenment? energies which needed to be noticed? who knows.)
anyway, he smoked a good hit and felt his awareness appear and be sucked upward into a kind of cloud. (or maybe SWIM was appearing from a puff of smoke, but experiencing it backwards?) After all, everything was created in an instant... ?
Then, there was a bizzare and subtle moving of swims body, it flowed roundwards like he was moved out of the way, then, holy hell.
he was in a different world. This place, i'd never seen this place before in my life. It wasn't the real world transformed (well, actually It was, but it was SO different that it was completely unrecognisable.)
Everything had this bizzare triangular spin to it. it was like looking through a kaledeoscope, but an infinite N-dimensional kalideoscope. Through
fractal eyes. it was very confusing. Swim took a few steps forward - EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING was alive and
minded. everything looked at him, with tiny eyes. It was insane. Every step swim took, created a spin and a bizzare crazy action of somekind, It was SO confusing. After a minuite SWIM found his way in this place and muttered something about unity, telepathically, that we are all one. It was as if swim was a magician and had just appeared in a completely different land in a puff of smoke. There was a slight vomiting after the experience, and swim ran to the toilet. The bile had eyes and faces and noses. Luckilly, swim had fasted for that morning (not intentional, but fortunate.) The toilet was completely covered with the 'fractal angel dmt' type patterns which alex grey paints. (you know those sexy alien gridlines?) SWIM thinks probably the vomiting was a neciessity in the crossover between the two worlds (if such a thing exists.) as if the slime somehow connected reality and unreality, or if it was all a part of the same thing anyway.
SWIM exited the trip somehow by learning that the way people actually get by in life, is not by being big and clever and pushing and demanding to be the centre of attention, but by quietly bumping past eachother with gentle 'sorries, excuse me's and pardons.
that way, SWIM was shown / or SWIM did... a number of quick steps which let him return to love, a partial vision of him and his girlfriend on the bed. He moved quietly and quickly like an old man, but the kind of old man who would easilly turn around and kick your ass with kung-fu, if love demanded it. It was as though SWIM had sunk through the noise and bustle of everything and learned a little way to move like a humble ninja. It felt great. It was necissary for us to be in love. (me and the g/f I think.)
Shortly afterward, SWIM spent the day making a wand from a short length of wood embued it with the druidic alphabet and tipped with a big amythest.
Totally incredible, "absoloutely profound", he muttered after coming back from that place.
bhuddas sitting inside bhuddas sitting isnide bhuddas sitting inside bhuddas sitting inside bhuddas....
alter ones perspective when viewing the all of everything to explore some other part of the gigantic mess - or - absoloute perfection, depending on which way you view it!
These trips have totally revitalised SWIMs interest in DMT, shamanism, meditation, and magick as perhaps the most profound and beyond interesting thing
ever developed or discovered by man. This stuff really hints at something FAR beyond what we know and understand. It seems so obvious to swim that somone skilled in navigating these places really could effect change which is of some sibbolence as of yet completely unrecognised by leigons of scientists across the globe.
Perhaps stonehenge was placed there by a powerful magician eons ago, yet, right now, in this moment. There is no telling how much energy can come from the other worlds, there is
no knowing the infinite.
Namasté everyone,
Peace & Wellness be with you.
ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!