No matter how hard I try I cannot fully explain what just happen to me.
Endless reading and studying dmt theoryeticly did NOT prepare me
for what just happend.....
I have smoke dmt "blends" before but have never had enough to break through.
This was truly amazing..
The last couple of days iv been smoking dmt "lightly" to biuld up to a "break through".
In no way did this prepare me for what just happend.
Here is my "story" ( if u would even call it that).
I had a mix of about 1 part dmt 3 parts mullien leaf.
Also had what looked like a gram of dmt in another container.
I don't have a crack pipe or whatever so I used a bong.
I filled the bottom of the cone with the " Changa " , put some dmt
in the middle ( have no scales but the amout was about the same size
as a pea) then put some mor changa on top. I loaded 3 cones like this
and had a friend next to me ready to load it for me.
Punched the first one slow and starting feeling the usaul " trippy low dose"
I was also starting to shake and quickly armed up for the second one....
As I exhaled I started saying " fuck this is hectic" and the sound just kept echoing
the world as I knew it started morphing Into something that my brain cannot describe.
The colours were bright and everything was wonderfull... My eyes could not stay open,
and as they closed I was put in this square room.. It was like all the walls were " beings" .
But not distictive kind of like outlines. But this wasn't the only room I could see through the wallls
and there layers upon layers of these rooms. There was no ground. There was no up or down.
I had totally been torn about. I open my eyes and could see my 3 friends , I felt relieved because they were
here with me. The rooms upon rooms were around the also and the "beings" were all behind them. I was sure
if my eyes were open or closed. Then there was this "being" that I felt so much warmth and love from. I felt sexual
attracetd to it and it started Patting me like i was it's pet dog or something. It told me everything will be alright
and how welcome I was. ( this was not in any language though, it was all just "felt".
Then this "being" Told me to follow. I did t have a choice and we just starting falling through these rooms and when I
got scared we would stop. Each time we stopped it was like it was tryi g to show me something but I could t understand.
I started to miss " home" and was feeling like I would never return to my "normal" life. I wanted to go back now and the " being" told me it was ok and to come back another time when u are ready....
It was still tripping hard at this point but could slightly communicate with my frineds. I ask them how long have I been like this? And they said " about 10 minutes" . When they said this I was relived but there voices would echo eternally.... My eyes would close again and I would feel the being telling me to go. It was smiling at me. There was nothing scary about the being In any way....
I was still yriipi g hard but I could move again. I needed so e water on my face or a drink or something.
I needed to know that I was back to my normal reality. ( if u have seen the movie Insepection and how They have those "objects" to let them know that there back to "the real world" then u would understand what I mean).
I hot up washed my face and told my friend to come outside. I hoped on one of thos little scooter thing and cruised around breathing I. Some fresh air. This help so much. After a few more mins I was alsmost back to normal.
I honestly felt like I was there for a very long time....
This is the best I can explain it but my story comes knowhere near how detailed this experince was!
I told my friends not to try it just yet as I felt that they were not yet ready to experince this.
I thought I was ready but was In no wAy prepared for what just happend.
This is some serious shit!.
I am going to do this again.... But is definetly something u could not do every day... Or week... Or year ....
This experience has shown me what iv been looking for and I will never be the same again.
All u people out there who havnt " broken through" be carefully. No matter how much u study and research
u will never be prepared for this......
It feels weird trying to explain this to my mates . I would really like to discuss this further
with anyone who is willing to listen and has been I. This place themselves.
End of transmission...
im a compulsive telling the truth.honest.