My left eye has a habit of making me nervous on psychedelics. It tends to twitch, take over on the imagery, and sometimes I feel (minor) pain behind it. It seems the sinus cavity behind my left eye is pretty much permanently stuffed. This gives me headaches and pressure behind my left eye. It also makes me nervous when fractals get too intense because it seems like it is putting pressure on my left eye. I feel my eyelid twitch and my thoughts get directed around my eye making any mild discomfort even more noticeable. In my last trip a hawk came to rip it out and I groaned as I saw this. It seems on DMT once I am able to let go of these last clinging thoughts "This can't be good for my eye." or "The only reason I'm seeing fractals is because something in my eye is being stressed and this is my body's response." or "Shit I hope I don't feel some sudden pain behind my eye" things get really good and I'm given an amazing show. Thanks for reading.
Anyone have any good tricks for "Letting go" of these last few thoughts dragging you away from fully experiencing the moment while on DMT?