Good news! Psilocybin was used in a study to help cancer patients with anxiety and depression... It was just a pilot study, but it is SOMETHING. It gave the patients an uplift in mood for about two weeks after each dose, and decreased the need for other meds. My favorite part was that there were no bad reactions...
The thing about studies like this is that it will, hopefully, eventually lead to psilocybin ceasing to be a Schedule I drug. It's effectively been proven (even if more research needs to be done) that it DOES have a medical use...
Now I know ganja is still Schedule I even though it obviously has medical use, but that's changing. The federal government only officially recognized pot's medical use a few months(?) ago when it approved the use of medical mj in VFW hospitals; hopefully it'll be off the list soon. So... maybe in five years, a decade, CA will have mushroom dispensaries...