this time was absolutley amazing....
i think the first time i broke through i went way to deep.
the first time i packed to large cones and completley melted away,
i went through so many layers of this otherplace until i was totally lost in the depths of consciousness....
this time however i was truly prepared and only went to the first "room" that i went to last time.
i stayed in this room with all these indian head beings that were full of colours and i could totally remember that this was the first "room" i was in before i kept falling deeper the first time.
the beings were reminding me of my first experience and this was knowwhere near as terrifying.
sounds were not echoing this time and i could sense my body...but i was above it. it felt incredible and i just stayed in this room and was at the highest level of peace.
its strange how when u come good ur like "yes, im back" but ur still fucked up and it feels like u had a large dose of lsd or shrooms or somthing, but it feels like u dont care ur in this state because u know ur on ur way out. does anyone understand and agree with what i mean?
im a compulsive telling the truth.honest.