posted this on another forum,,my first "trip report" and i was interested in joiing this community so i posty it here too..
well swim have been smokin /and drinking the tea for some tim, with pretty much only positive experience,,the tea could be rough though,,,
he has rumored to be been smokin DMt from severela batches and vendors/home-extractors, he has never been dissitisfyied with purity though one whos somewhat know for being shady sent him whats most liklely somewhat dilluted dmt, and once 5-meo by mistake,,a 60 mg 5-meo trip was not what my friend had in mind but that was manachagable though he faced a demon but won ,
any way on to this experience,,he just got a tiny bit of very pure crystals of another friend so he decided to try it out before shareing with his best friend /45mg was put in a home made foil device and smoked,) this isnt an amount that he usually find completely minddblowing more of a fun dose borderline breakthrough..after a few sec regular dmt hallucinationations came on music turned lively and beautiful, eues closed, but insted of an inner,,ride of hallucinations and emotions he think is the best way to describe it it was like he was thrown into another place not a room but more of a closed state of mind that shuts you out of your normal existans ,,not unlike his few high dose 5-meo trips although there was a strong feeling of love, wich is why he call this batch the love-dmt,, he thinks 5-meo is a little sneaky and have some scary possibilitys like salvia d..
Any way in this state he heard the voic of someone he knew who said im god, thre tims he repeated this,, then he heard another family member (wich who swim has had quite a trouble past) say the same sentence over and over over,, now when some oneone is in full breakthrough expreience he always talk in real voice to the enteties,, when borderline he likes/loves to talk in tounges ,,you know mc kenna style, it greatly enchances the experience, so he heard a 3rd voice of an ex gf (also trouble past) say I am god a couple of times SWIM said out loud a couple of times,, well if you are god,,call on the phone, knock, on the door,, mentionin it when you get home, then i belive that you are god,, why dont you call on the phone he then heard the voice of person no 1 (father,,,really troubled past,,) say again i am god twice.
then swim was back to reality , somewhat shook up it was never a threatening experience just super intense,, what was on his mind though was,, was the dmt lying to him? was this experience just nonsense,,it kinda bothered him beacuse this is def not how he defines dmt...and what was the point of all this then,,
a couple of minutes latyer it hit him what this experience was about,,a message from "everyone" that everyone are/should be seen as god,, and especially thath you treat everyone you interact with with the love and respect like you would treat god. ,
Now how would you treat God? swim hope he is able to hold on to this little insight though.
sorry if post is a bit first ever written trip report,,i just had to pass it on..