Wow, this visualizer is freakin me out... "The Electric Sheep is a cyborg mind. It harnesses the collective intelligence of 60,000 computers and people creates abstract art with mathematics and Darwinian evolution. The result is seamless, organic, and infinite." All Posts are fiction and only exist to entertain
It's good stuff. Oddly enough, it almost always seems normal when coming down from changa. The music's awesome, the pictures are in motion and my sitter's face is melting, but Electric Sheep looks the same>?! What the hell? ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
This visualizer is the best. To bad I can't seem to get it to run smoothly.. but I use it anyway and more people should! Plug yourself up to this cyborg mind! Download it, download it now, do it, do it now!HERE
hah, sorry for my superhyping.. .
I've never paid attention to my screen savor before now, lol. Some of them remind me a lot of a dmt trip. All Posts are fiction and only exist to entertain
Oooh I like. Thanks for the tip. ~fist bump~ -Close your eyes, See the light, and feel the sunshine in the shade
~All views, ideas and opinions of this user are strictly fictional and in no way represent an act done in reality.
I've had this for a year or two now and it's amazing. Recently I been fooling around with a flame making tool called Apophysis to make my own digital art like Electric Sheep. "Existence itself may be considered an abyss possessed of no meaning. I do not read this as a pessimistic statement but a declaration of autonomy for my imagination & will and their most beautiful act of bestowing meaning upon existence itself." -- Hakim Bey