I never often worried about this as I always finished up with freebase which was fine for me as I'd consume it in a glass of juice to convert it to citrate salts. However I have a friend with an epic gag relflex and really isn't good with bitter tasting liquids of even the smallest quantity, so freebase isn't ideal for him.
So anyway I was wondering for the sake of more accurate measures, what is the best way to reduce or possibly even eliminate the salt contamination in Manske Harmalas. Maybe there's also another route to Hcl from freebase that ends in a purer product, but is still quite kitchen friendly? Also I'm not to keen on using much else other than water due to the risk of damaging the goods.
So where do we go from here?
what about measuring a given amount of freebase harmalas (like, say, 800mg), then redissolving in vinegar, re-salting like manske. Then the resulting product will have salt contamination but it doesnt matter because you just divide in the according number of doses depending on how much freebase you had in the first place (like, say, 4 doses). You can put it in capsules if you want, and then your friend wont feel any taste at all. Just remember poking a hole in the capsule and drinking a bit of warm water (tea of some kind would be fine) to help in dissolving the harmalas in your stomach.
how does that sound?
That sounds pretty spot on actually for he purpose at hand. That's probably what I'll do.
...But for the purpose of some fun and activity I'm going to look into different measures to use for the salting. I imagine crystals with more elegant formations would be more free of contamination than say, powdery, fast precips, so I'm looking into ways of growing nicer crystals.
I have noticed if I use a very agressive boil on a solution containing harmaloids in acetate form and keep adding salt until it is saturated at that high temperature, the solution will go cloudy and the crystals will precip pretty much as soon as they leave the pan. But if I just heat the liquid slightly so it's not even steaming but is definately warm and add enough salt until a small excess can be seen, but the liquid is still very much clear, you can end up with some inch long needles.
I'm going to repeat this side by side at some point, but I'm going to weigh everything that goes in this time. I'm pretty sure the soft boil has the purest product as less salt is likely to crash, as there wasn't as much salt in there in the first place. But my only concern is, does saturating less result in a loss of product?
We'll see.
yeah man I made this once: https://dmt-nexus.me/for...aspx?g=posts&t=11959Basically just letting the manske saturated brew cool very slowly (for example leave in a waterbath), and the larger crystals will be nearly salt-free.. But do note that unless you put it in the fridge (and saturate it completely), there will be plenty of alkaloids still in the solution, yes! So dont throw it away... you can saturate more after retrieving the purer crystals, and then retrieving the rest of the impure stuff do post back whatever way you do, so we know how it turns out good luck!