I would love to journey with some Caapi Tea any suggestions, advice or experiences would be greatly appreciated. Much Peace and Sunshine
For my intro to ayahuasca I boiled up 50g of white caapi thoroughly. It's definately a very kind teacher. All that stuff I have heard about the violent purging and body spasms just aren't present with this brew. Sure you can purge with it if you want to, but it will be a deep comfortable purge that will happen well into the experience as a result of your body's chemistry changing, rather than that of an upset stomach. I actually even quite like the taste.
My intentions with this first brew were to feel the effects of the brew only, but after an hour or so meditating on it I loaded a small amount of spice into my pipe and inhaled. It turns out the caapi did way more than I at first thought, it's that gentle.
Anyway I simmered the 50g's very lightly with no acid 3x3 hours then reduced and from the very first time I smelled the steam I was in love. I never thought I could get so much pleasure and fulfilment out of gently stirring a pan for all the waking hours of a whole day, but I highly recommend giving the magic all the attention in the world.
Soulfood Sounds lovely, thank you for intriguing me further... From your description Caapi Tea sounds like just what I need, a peaceful healing experience... Much Peace and Happiness
If you have cielo vine I would start with less..50g of cielo for me was almost too much to handle with a bit of mimosa..got kinda out of hand.. White vine I think you need more..I dunno about the other colors. I would start with caapi only or just a bit of light becasue caapi itself can be powerful at times adn it's good to get used to caapi by itself at first if you plan on drinking often. Long live the unwoke.
From what I've heard I'd avoid cielo completely for now. Yellow for a classic caapi experience and white for magic 
fractal enchantment wrote:If you have cielo vine I would start with less..50g of cielo for me was almost too much to handle with a bit of mimosa..got kinda out of hand..
White vine I think you need more..I dunno about the other colors.
I would start with caapi only or just a bit of light becasue caapi itself can be powerful at times adn it's good to get used to caapi by itself at first if you plan on drinking often. Fractal Enchantment Thank you so very much for the advice, ill be taking the white vine. I want to establish a strong relationship with Caapi before i journey with Ayahuasca, as i feel Caapi is a powerful element within the Ayahuasca brew it will be the best way to build a positive foundation for my Aya experiences... Much Peace and Happiness
soulfood wrote:From what I've heard I'd avoid cielo completely for now. Yellow for a classic caapi experience and white for magic  Soulfood Awesome ill be taking the white vine, there is nothing better than a little bit of magic... Much Peace and Understanding