This is SWIM's first trip report. He is extremely lazy and always like other people to do the work for him. So he asked me to post it here for him because he was busy watching TV:
Date: Monday, August 2, 2010
Time: ~3:00pm
Setting: Hiking Trail surrounded by trees
Spaceship: 1XCaapi and 5X Caapi Changa (1:1)
Dosage: ~40mg and 65mg Changa
Medium: Bubbler
Since this report is being typed the next day after my first spice journey, a lot of the memories are forgotten. Traveled twice on low doses. Similar experiences both times. Fractal geometry and morphing colorful shapes surround my vision, and take me to a place that is very kaleidoscopic in its character. I can feel the intensity coming on, and within a minute, I’m in the midst of two worlds. Grounded barely in this waking reality, I have almost forgotten all about this world, and am completely submerged within this extremely bizarre dimension, where the very nature of this dimension can only be described in two words- Bizarre and Alien (not extraterrestrial).
1st journey : ~40mg 1XCaapi Changa (1:1). 1 toke
In my first journey, when I start entering the other dimension, my mind has doubts, becomes apprehensive, and nervous about whether or not I’ll make it back. The mere bizarreness of this experience made me struggle for a few seconds to hold onto my conformal reality. It was coming on strong, and I felt completely out of control. Then soon after, I surrendered (I didn’t have a choice), and the visions continued. It felt as if I was on the brink of the portal that would carry me on the other side if I had only toked a little more, instead of just one toke. This experience vaguely also resembled smoked Salvia extract, in which the visions become the ones in charge. This journey was quick (~3 minutes), intense, and simply WEIRD…
2nd journey: ~65mg 5XCaapi Changa (1:1). 2 tokes
In my second journey, approximately 25-30 minutes after my first one, I took two tokes. The familiar feeling returned, with much more intense visions this time. A higher complexity of geometric fractals that were extremely colorful. Due to me being out in nature with the bright sun above, the colored geometry was shifted more towards the red spectrum, i.e. dominated by red, orange and yellowish colors. I remember seeing blue only once, but because of the mere bizarreness of this experience, my memory is mostly lost and faded. Within a minute, the visions in this otherworldly dimension are in charge once again, and continue with their colorful morphing shapes. For a few seconds to minutes, I forgot all about my existence in this physical world, and am simply watching the visions unfold before me. However, this didn’t scare me, and I feel as if subconsciously I was aware that I had toked some spice. This is all too intricate for me to describe, but I vaguely remember being in a small town that was made out of these colorful fractalized self-morphing geometries. It felt as if there was quite a lot going on here. Now that I think back about what I had saw in this “town” (which I forgot right after the trip), I think I felt the presence of some beings (little creatures...elves..?) and it felt as if this was their town. However, I don’t remember seeing any entities or having any direct interaction at all. I stayed in this place for perhaps one or two minutes before it faded in intensity and the visions subsided as I returned to my sober reality. This trip lasted ~5 minutes, and by the time the trip was over, I had forgotten so much content. I guess McKenna was right when he said that our minds need training to be equipped with a memory that can register these alien experiences. I knew for a fact however that this journey was vivid, clear, intense, and quite mind shattering while I was still under its influence. It felt more and more like a faded dream as more and more time passed. Once again, the most efficient English word to describe this journey is…BIZARRE.
SWIM is so glad to have finally started his journey towards this sacred path, and is deeply humbled by all the wonderful people here who directly and indirectly helped him to begin his journey. He couldn't be more grateful...well...maybe a little more. He intends to smoke a larger dose soon...if he can manage not pissing his pants while at it..ofcourse...
The part that gives him the goosebumps is that this is only the beginning...