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What are all the different Harmalas? Options
#1 Posted : 7/4/2010 11:39:53 PM
I am planning on getting some caapi leaf, maybe caapi vine. I've also heard of caapi copt and THH. I'm not sure what these are, I guess tinctures. I was wondering what all my choices are. Also, I'm planning on doing some pharmayasuaca. Any info or links are appreciated!
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Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#2 Posted : 7/5/2010 12:03:23 AM
Main candidates are Caapi and rue. All these extracts are pretty much just various single or mixtures of alkaloids from these two plants.

Passionflower also contains harmaloids, though it is a very small fraction as potent as the before mentioned. My guess is that you know all you need to know about the different varieties, now it's just a case of experimenting in order to use them efficently.

THH (tetrahydroharmine) is one of the main components of caapi along with harmine and smaller amounts of harmaline. This for me is what makes caapi special. Rue contains harmine and harmaline as the main two products.

There are other harmaloids such as harmane, tetrahydroharman and harmalol, but I know very little of the effects of these substances.

Harmaline seems to mostly colour the experience with a heavy dream like state, where your thoughts can become very clouded and I personally find it very difficult to think with large amounts of harmaline. Harmine seems to have the most straight up psychedelic effect and magnifies the presence of "the other". THH seems to be the most clear and energy giving harmaloids and always sets me in a very aztec blocky kind of world in conjunction with DMT.

#3 Posted : 7/5/2010 12:06:22 AM
soulfood wrote:
Main candidates are Caapi and rue. All these extracts are pretty much just various single or mixtures of alkaloids from these two plants.

Passionflower also contains harmaloids, though it is a very small fraction as potent as the before mentioned. My guess is that you know all you need to know about the different varieties, now it's just a case of experimenting in order to use them efficently.

THH (tetrahydroharmine) is one of the main components of caapi along with harmine and smaller amounts of harmaline. This for me is what makes caapi special. Rue contains harmine and harmaline as the main two products.

There are other harmaloids such as harmane, tetrahydroharman and harmalol, but I know very little of the effects of these substances.

Harmaline seems to mostly colour the experience with a heavy dream like state, where your thoughts can become very clouded and I personally find it very difficult to think with large amounts of harmaline. Harmine seems to have the most straight up psychedelic effect and magnifies the presence of "the other". THH seems to be the most clear and energy giving harmaloids and always sets me in a very aztec blocky kind of world in conjunction with DMT.

Is it true Syrian Rue makes you nauseas. I think I should just get and grow some caapi. I'm also interested in using caapi with mushroom.
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#4 Posted : 7/5/2010 12:21:18 AM
There are three main harmalas. Harmine, Harmaline, and Tetrahydroharmine (or THH)

All of the harmalas alkaloids mentioned above can be in pure form (i.e. crystals/powder), both in freebase form or in some salt form, or they can also be dissolved in some liquid/tincture. This depends on what you do yourself with them when extracting (or on what form your vendor is selling them in).

With Harmine, oral dosage for full MAO inhibition is around 200mg. More or less same with THH. Harmaline is twice as strong, so one needs only around 100mg of it.

Harmaline is a bit more sedating/dreamy than the other ones, but I also like it (some people dont). THH seems to be the clearest one by itself but I havent experimented with it pure, only mixed with other harmalas so I cant say for myself. Harmine is interesting, and is usually my choice for pharma because I can easily extract it from syrian rue.

Syrian Rue contains basically Harmine and Harmaline, in different ratios, plus a couple of other non-harmala alkaloids, Vasicine and Vasicinone. People ingesting rue usually make a tea out of 3,5g syrian rue. I dont recommend it because it tastes bad, usually makes one nauseous, and because vasicine and vasicinone are potentially more toxic. They are uterotonic, so potentially more troublesome for women, specially very dangerous for pregnant woman because vascine and vasicinone are abortifacient.

The harmalas (harmine and harmaline) can be extracted from syrian rue and separated from vasicine/cinone quite easily. Check the harmala extraction and separation guide for more info, and it also explains how to separate harmine from harmaline if you want.

Caapi vine contains a mixture of mostly harmine and THH, with small to negligible amounts of harmaline.

Caapi Copy is the pure harmala alkaloids from caapi, either extracted from caapi directly or extracted from other sources but mixed in the same proportion of THH/Harmine as found naturally in caapi

Caapi leaves have mostly harmine as you can read here. Caapi leaves are usually used for making changa, not so much for oral ingestion in ayahuasca.

I cant suggest anything in particular because they are all interesting, you have to try by yourself and see.. Good luck!
Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#5 Posted : 7/5/2010 12:55:16 AM
TrustLoveMan wrote:

Is it true Syrian Rue makes you nauseas. I think I should just get and grow some caapi. I'm also interested in using caapi with mushroom.

Any harmala containing substance in a large enough dose will make you nauseous. But for me there are two kinds of nausea:

1. Nasty nausea - I feel sick, dizzy and just plain poisoned. I really need to throw up quickly.

2. The nausea of glory - I'm concerntrating all my negative thoughts about myself and my negative feelings of the world around me, thinking about all the things I fear and all things that have caused me pain and concerntrating it on my stomach and holding it for as long as I can, before expelling it like I am breathing out air from my intestines... aah! Now I feel really good.

I usually link number 1 with rue and pretty much exclusively link number 2 with caapi Smile
#6 Posted : 7/5/2010 4:23:50 PM
Actually, there are a ton of harmala alkaloids, but the three mentioned are the main three people use for oral DMT activation THH, Harmine, Harmaline (I believe also there is slight amounts of harmol in Caapi, I'd have to check to be sure though, might have been rue....and yes, rue seeds will make you feel sick. Always extract rue seeds.

A simple google search of "harmala alkaloids" and "plants containing harmala alkaloids" should result in a full answer to your quetsion.
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#7 Posted : 7/5/2010 6:15:58 PM
You guys answered all my questions. I'll just have to experiment and find the best one. thanks!
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