Hey everyone,
My close friend sent me the following experience report in an email instructing me to publish it on the internet. It details his first experience with Magic Mushrooms on his yacht in international waters:
Experience Report: My First Time Consuming Magic Mushrooms.
I had always wanted to try magic mushrooms. Indeed, I never intended to discover DMT, but since mushrooms where not an option at the time and I was very curious to explore the psychedelic experience, extracting DMT was the next best thing. At last, however, I have finally been able to experience the effects of the so called Magic Mushrooms.
The Experience:
Dose: 1 teaspoon, approximately 1g
Species: Unknown. Strong possibility of Cubensis
Method of administration: Oral ingestion
Time of administration: 9:15pm
Duration of effects: Approximately 5 hours
I decided to be conservative and attempt orally ingesting .5g and waiting a time of 60 minutes to gauge the side effects and determine whether to consume more. At 9:15pm I orally took 1/2 teaspoon of the crushed mushrooms and decided to take a walk around the block for the come up. After 30 minutes I noticed halos around street lights. That was the extent of the effects. After 1 hour elapsed I decided to go home and ingest another 1/2 teaspoon to bring my dose up to 1g. After ingesting the mushrooms, I went and lay in my bed with the lights of and decided to read until the effects settle in.
I quickly became tired of reading and decided to close my eyes and relax, possibly go to sleep. I began noticing that I was remembering things uncontrollably. More specifically, I started to enter memories of my experiences in hyperspace while on DMT. These memories I would later ascertain where the periods of my experiences that I could not remember after the DMT experience was over. I began getting vivid images in my mind on what hyperspace is like, the feelings of disassociating with the self, the feeling of helplessness, the strange sounds, etc. Soon my mind began racing and going out of control. I felt as if something had possessed me and was fiddling with my memories and perception. This feeling I can describe as being quite uncomfortable and confusing.
I quickly became restless. I decided at midnight to open my laptop and log into the Nexus chat. I began blindly describing my experience to all who would listen. I had the strangest feeling that whatever people where saying to each other had some secret hidden meaning to affect my mind. After a brief conversation I decided to eat whatever I could get my hands on in the fridge to deal with my increasingly disturbing state of mind. After 30 minutes I closed the computer, stared myself in the mirror for sometime, and decided to go back to bed to wait out the storm.
Once in bed, I began feeling more and more uncomfortable, trying to regain control of my thoughts. This was a fruitless endeavor. I decided to just give up. Let go of all resistance, beg the mushroom to be kind with me, and accept that there is no way out of this experience. I closed my eyes and began drifting in and out of hyperspace, memories, sounds, and uncomfortable feelings. I rolled around constantly in my discomfort. After 5 hours, I fell asleep.
The next day I awoke with many questions. My chief question soon became: "If the mushroom was controlling my mind, then who is the 'me' witnessing this event?". I thought long and hard all day about this until my thoughts became to much to handle. I lay down on the sofa, closed my eyes, and once again surrendered completely to the idea of never finding an answer. I just gave up all resistance. When I opened my eyes, a strange thing happened... I had a deep sense of calm about me. I had no thoughts, no worries, no complaints, no hopes, no fears, nothing but myself. The feeling of peace continues until the writing of this report.
The lesson that I learned from this experience was that conflict and discomfort in our minds during our everyday life is due to resistance of what is. Once you give up this resistance and simply accept reality and yourself for what it is without comparing it to better or worse, there is no room for conflict with yourself. When this conflict subsides, it seems to be replaced by a deep sense of inner peace. This inner peace is a great platform to continue self-examination in the sense that now there is complete honesty and acceptance of what you find. This frees more energy to truly look at and study the old habits and beliefs and understand even the undesirable aspects of the self.
And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.
Disclaimer: All communications undertaken by this user account on this site are purely fictional in nature and are intended for entertainment purposes only. I do not advocate the use of controlled substances by any person(s) anywhere.