So... I was listening to some old Terence Mckenna tapes, and my partner's dad is on a few of them. He even introduces Terence once, and at one point mentions how Terence changed his life. I asked her if she knew her dad knew Terence Mckenna, and she said yeah, he mentions Terence from time to time; why? Do I know Terence too? Well, I replied, he's kinda famous. Oh.
Anyway, I REALLY want to talk to this fellow, because obviously we have much to discuss. I'm in love with his daughter, for Christ's sake, do you just walk up to him and start talking about psychedelics? HOW THE HELL DO YOU APPROACH THE SUBJECT? First off, she only gets to see him rarely, and I don't think she realizes what friendship with Terence Mckenna means. And she's been abroad for a year, so she doesn't fully know how interested I am psychedelics, either.
Anybody have any ideas of what to do?!
A similar situation came up recently, too, when my best friend's dad was walking around in a Terence Mckenna t-shirt. Psychedelics are NOT an open topic in that household, how the hell to broach the subject?