I decided to delete this post - It's just too damn depressing. This was the first and last time I tried this shitty stuff. If you want more details I can post them.
Sober up, take a break, eat some amazing food, and get some exercise.
DXM is a dissociative that does not give any natural euphoria. SWIM has done it ~15 times and swore it off a couple months back. The addictive qualitys are many: it really isn't that trippy but gives a large body stone, thus "bad trips" are unlikely at the common low doses. What it also does is fill your day. You are not going to do anything but lie around and watch TV, play video games, listen to music on DXM a thing to look forward to though is that at low doses like you took the hangover is quite the reverse of alcohol and very after-glowy. A big addictive quality. Your friend seems to be looking in the wrong place for happiness in SWIM's humble opinion, psychedelics for the most part not an escape, but a journey through your mind/consciousness. SWIM doesn't like drinking and has been bored and annoyed while buzzed/drunk/shit faced so he can't really relate to alcoholism... But one thing that SWIM finds brings the highest natural euphoria is exercise, dancing, walking, running, sports. The feeling of a workout being done and the good you've done for your body is incredible. SWIM really hasn't been depressed by definition, but he has had countless hangovers and lame days. Substances have NEVER helped him out of them though. Exercise has. Good luck and I hope you find your own personal enlightenment soon. Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs
Sorry if the last post seemed a bit melancholy, I was a bit intoxicated. I have actually cut down on alcohol. I eat good food and work out - I smoke cigarettes instead of doing cardio, however  . This stuff was tried as an alternative to alcohol. After the last post, my friend dry heaved a good number of times and became very dizzy, having to lie down. He's still pretty affected. Wasn't really searching for happiness, just a release of tension - life is pretty weird right now. No wonder this shit's legal, the effects are completely vile.
Oh shit. So I forgot that my friend ate a prescription belladonna extract pill the same day as dosing the above. 16 hours later, his eyes are still dilated, and is just laying in bed still unable to sleep or become sober. What to do!?
Crisp wrote:Oh shit. So I forgot that my friend ate a prescription belladonna extract pill the same day as dosing the above. 16 hours later, his eyes are still dilated, and is just laying in bed still unable to sleep or become sober. What to do!? My advice also applies here.
Nearly 24 hours... He can still barely eat or sleep. Bedbound. Hoping to get sleep tonight. Pray that I haven't damaged myself in some way. Do you know that a large portion of the population have a deficiency of CYP2D6 liver enzymes? I fucking didn't.
Day Two, barely eat, barely sleep. Heart beating hard, muslces weak. Nauseated. When will this wear off?
Crisp wrote:Day Two, barely eat, barely sleep. Heart beating hard, muslces weak. Nauseated. When will this wear off? that's the belladonna. Tropane alkaloids can last up to 3 days, although most say the 3rd isn't too strong. Good luck. You'll get through this. Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs
Thank you - the belladonna was a small dose, very mild effects when I've tried it before. I'm pretty sure I'm a poor metabolizer as far as DXM goes. I just can't wait to feel normal again.
So... 5 days later, a lot of stuff has gone down inbetween that I may post. My pupils are pretty much back to normal, but the right one is definitely more dilated that the left... why could this be?
Crisp wrote:So... 5 days later, a lot of stuff has gone down inbetween that I may post. My pupils are pretty much back to normal, but the right one is definitely more dilated that the left... why could this be? Quote:Common Causes: Bleeding inside the skull caused by head injury Brain tumor or abscess Infection of membranes around the brain caused by meningitis or encephalitis Expanding brain lesion such as an aneurysm Excess pressure in one eye caused by glaucoma Birth injury, tumor in the chest, or lymph-node pressure that may be accompanied by decreased sweating, a smallpupil, or drooping eyelid all on the affected side Eyedrops http://www.healthcentral.com/ency/408/003314.html
Now would be a great time to consider living life sober, and questioning why your friend keeps trying to escape reality instead of facing the issues that daunt them.
I feel for your friend but drugs don't cure, and sometimes they don't even treat the symptoms. Follow house's first advice, this is a time to grow and not destroy.
Well none of those sounds like they could have been caused by this at all House... The same site says: At times, for unknown reasons, pupils may differ in size. If there are no other symptoms and if the pupils return to normal, then the temporary condition is nothing to worry about. ---I assume that you're trying to be helpful though
And I do put effort into trying to face reality, I probably don't do any more drugs than most people on this forum. I have issues that I'm working through like anyone. I happened to have a very bad possibly allergic reaction to DXM, which I stupidly tried after believing the hype.
Crisp wrote:My friend has been going through depression lately and really felt that he needed something tonight. He said he's been drinking too much and couldn't deal with another hangover - feeling like he was going to die for 8 hours the next day. He wandered around town and eventually felt bad enough that he bought 300mgs DXM and ate it. Worst feeling ever. His heart feels like it is breaking. Sheer uncomfortable sadness/dizzyness. Been about 2 hours. How in the hell do people get addicted to this stuff. He knew he shouldn't have done this shit. He just wanted to escape for a bit and have a new experience. This stuff is supposed to make you euphoric and detached. Is there some condition that screws up your serotonin receptors? That might help explain the depression and lack of response to this stuff. Pot doesn't make him 'happy' either (I think it indirectly effects serotonin?). Sorry for the rant. He is not a happy camper right now.
ill admit for a long time i had a major DXM problem. I would eat 16-20 Triple-c's every morning and top up my dose later. DXM is the only drug i have done that has had very serious negative long term effects. even now i will be talking and completely forget what i was talking about right in the middle of the sentence (last time i did it was august). one of my pupils does not dilate ever since my first time taking 20 pills. now i cant even look at, much less take, a medicine containing any DXM without feeling really nauseous. if i can steer one person away from DXM, then that is a great service. DXM might be fun for some at first, but i promise down the the road you will regret ever taking that first pill (or bottle of syrup). "I'm creeping back to life, my nervous system all awry, I'm wearing the inside out. Look at him now, he's paler somehow, but he's coming round. He's starting to choke It's been so long since he spoke, well he can have the words right from my mouth. And with these words I can see, clear through the clouds that covered me, Just give it time then speak my name. now we can hear ourselves again" Pink Floyd- Wearing the Inside Out Mogascreeta is a pathological liar and should not be taken seriously under any circumstance.
Why do people take dxm?  I believe the most common answer is availability. DXM is so incredibly easy to get a hold of. It was one of the first psychedelics I've tried. I actually enjoyed it as an inexpensive trip. A decade ago, I regularly consumed a bottle or two of delsym on a friday or saturday night. This is not saying, that I strongly recommend others to use it. Just the opposite, this is a pretty bad chemical. It has potential, but not much more than any other dissociative can provide. The only reason I would ever consider doing dxm again is to experience the out-of-body experiences again. A dissociative should not be used for "euphoria." DXM is very dependent upon dosage and body weight. With regular use and scientific rigor, DXM has value, but I still would not recommend regular use. I am not certain, BUT, with regular use, this drug, most likely, can cause brain damage especially with high doses. An answer as to "why you had a bad trip," I believe has been covered. To others, respect DXM!  It can hurt you. It can make you feel like crap the next day. A high dose of dxm can have an overwhelming hangover and comedown. It can be a very bad trip, especially if one isn't experienced with dxm. Marijuana doesn't seem to relax the dxm user like it should, it just makes your thoughts even more cloudy and confusing. Datura/belladonna is a dissociative; it was risky combining with dxm. The polistirex can be a very different trip, compared to the salts. And please, remember to question things, even me. Posts made by me are either fictional or false, or both. I do not endorse, condone or engage in illegal activities. I love the state, my big brother. "I" myself am fictional. I am a collection of individuals, that are not entirely human. "I" do not exist in reality. Any resemblance to an individual bound by laws is merely coincidental. I lie and tell very little of the truth; do not believe me, and, especially, don't hold "me" accountable for any posts.
q21q21 wrote:DXM is a dissociative that does not give any natural euphoria
that's debatable. NMDA antagonism gives the sort of dissociative feeling that OBE's from deep meditation give. by controlling the gating action of Ca+ ion channels upstream from glutamate receptors, you effectively inhibit the excitatory signalling. this can also be attained though holotropic breathwork Crisp, it's not just serotonin receptors it acts upon, it's primarily an NMDA glutamate antagonist with weak sigma affinity. he should take a break and take some glutamic acid supplements, if he's feeling lethargic and spent. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
Hi, It's been a while since I posted this thread - I had a very bad reaction to DXM. I posted a report about it at the shroomery - along with a theory about something that may have contributed to/caused it. I can post it here if you want. I wouldn't even CONSIDER trying it again. I feared for my life at points - not just immediately, but after days. Unable to sleep or eat (or barely get out of bed), SEVERE panic attacks. And this was a low recreational dose. Be careful with new drugs, and with drug combinations. I knew what it was supposed to do pharmacologically before I took it, but that didn't exactly help me (and I had tried it therapeutically for cough many times before with no obvious side effects).
I had a HUGE problem w DXM when I was younger..I went on fucking inredible journeys w this stuff and then it kind of cut me off from its version of hyper space when I started abusing it and I got really depressed and psychotic. I would do it, even if there were no more good benefits..Why, u ask?? It was the only thing I could get that was mind altering..And it DID fuck me up, but in a REAL bad way..i remember one time my limbs just all went numb, and my heart was doing funny things, and it should have scared the shit out of me, but i didnt care.. Its real easy to abuse it ur the type of introvert who likes their chemicals lol. not really funny,, it took me 10 years to fix up that mental mess..DXM as a cure for hangover definately indicats a bit of a problem i think. I gotta go out now, but Ill post some thoughts later on this.. FYI- Anything I post here is just stuff made up by my crazy brother who lives in my closet. I feed him jellybeans.
I experimented with DXM back in 2001. I was on Valium at the time, and my normal inhibitions against drugs that can actually do brain damage or kill you just wasn't there. I felt that since the literature showed that taking Valium with DXM reduced the risk of neural damage, I was covered. Which just goes to show you how badly Benzos like Valium mess up your thinking. Also, I simply couldn't stand the stuff unless I was already buzzed on Valium - it gave me this weird edginess, that the Valium took away. However, I never did push the dose past what DXM users call the "Third Plateau" - no out-of-body or Fourth Plateau journeys for me. DXM doesn't really have a lot going for it. It does, however, enhance music, and to a certain extent visual art such as mandala software programs. So I would put on a big playlist, and watch Mandalas for several hours, and this would in fact produce euphoria, and a feeling of everything was going to be great. Well, everything wasn't great, so it was just the drug - it does raise dopamine levels I believe. It was weird. I would get CEVs of these strange rooms, that I suppose with higher doses I could have visited. Tetris was very weird on DXM. And Pizza was very good. But once I kicked the Valium, I gave the stuff up, and haven't missed it at all. There were some mild psychedelic effects; once, I was walking through the woods, and found the perfect "Wizard's Staff". For an hour or so, I became "a Wizard, and a Wizard's Son". Lol. What really annoyed me is that the day following a strong DXM session, I would get facial twitches and stutter on my words. That can't possibly be good. I'm glad I only messed with it for the 6 or so months that I did. NOT RECOMMENDED. There are much better and safer drugs out there. Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream It is not dying...It is not dying Lay down all thought; Surrender to the void It is shining...It is shining...