once swim tried making a blue lilly decoction (9g) and it was super! really enjoyed the trippy sex  is anyone familiar with extracting the actives from nymphaea caerulea or nymphaea alba? Swim checked the net and it appears that there's no info on the subject is it possible to do a crude ethanol\ipa\acetone extraction that would extract aporphine and nuciferine? what about a/b? looking forward hearing from you. all my posts are random generated and can not be evaluated as distinct ideas Evening Glory wrote:This is a medicine, remember, not some video you can watch inside your head.
50 gr of dried blue lily was placed in a glass jar and enough everclear to pour over the plant material was added. Closed the lid and shook like a maniac for about 10 minutes and then left to sit overnight. Shook vigorously again in the morning. In the afternoon it was shook once more, and then filtered through a funnel with a piece of cotton gently pushed into the out spout, and then a coffee filter inserted into the funnel. The brownish-amber colored liquid was filtered 3 times this way. The first time the filter clogged before the liquid finished draining, and had to be poured back into a glass while the cotton ball and coffee filter where changed. The cotton ball was filled with dark brownish material that it filtered out of the solution. In the first filtering, minute silt like particles were observed at the bottom of the dish, but after the third filtering it the resulting liquid was a pretty clear shade of amber/ecto-cooler juice color. The liquid was set in a flat wide pan under a fan to evaporate.After several hours half the pan has a light amber colored kind of crystalline looking residue, while the other half is dark and tar like, but still wet. Scraped into a pile and continued to let dry until it was a harder, more handle-able material. Repeat the extraction process at least one more time if you don't want to waste anything.
Works great to add to a bowl, or to put it back into solution/tincture, or else to evap on to some mugwort of something to smoke.
How did the bioassay go with that? Non-enhanced lotus can be so mild when smoked, it can be difficult to tell what the effects are. In higher amounts, what does it do?
If you can get it to a resin....and somehow dry that resin until it's crumbly-eable (as dry as possible)....then obliterate the resin to a fine powder....this powder goes great in bowls of anything.....the trick is drying it though. Not sure what the best way to do this is. I guess chop, dry, chop, dry, keep on chopping, keep on drying. Maybe a fan. A food dehydrator might help. This powder will turn a bowl of anything into a cake though, after a few tokes. This is remedied by poking it before each hit to break it back up. It will render a joint useless after a few tokes. This fine, dry, crude resin powder is a good way to get to know the lilies. "Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."
"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
Samadhi-Sukha-Upekkha wrote:How did the bioassay go with that? Non-enhanced lotus can be so mild when smoked, it can be difficult to tell what the effects are. In higher amounts, what does it do? Much better than expected! I've tried nearly every extract available for blue lily, and this extract produced the strongest blue lily smoking experience I have had to date. As the tar was mostly dry I separated about a pea size amount using a stuff piece of dried blue lily as a little shovel. I then cover this in the bowl with some more dried blue lily material and smoked it. The effects came on immediately with the first toke as a tingly sensation in the head and a glowing sensation in the forehead near the 3rd eye area. Smoking the entire bowl produced a stoning equivalent to that of smoking a bowl of mid grade marijuana, but the high of blue lily is definitely its own thing, just in terms of intensity and saturation of the experience of being, it's on par with a bowl of weed. Lasts about the same amount of time with some of the same benefits too; relaxation, pain relief, tension relief, a bit of libido increase due to touch being augmented by the happy tinglies, uncreased appreciation of music, and pretty vivid and active CEVs (which had lots of Egyptian motifs to them--go figure lol--). One of the most pleasurable and interesting aspects of the high is the glowing sensation in the center of the forehead near the 3rd eye area (and the accompanying CEVs!). It's quite pleasurable and really feels to me like it will help lead me into deep and relaxed states of meditation the next time I take an epsom salt bath...ahhh, can't wait for that! I'm super stoked at how well this turned out, and I've smoked a vendor produced 100x before! This was a stronger experience for sure. Can't wait to try this tomorrow with some recycled vape ash hash thats drying.  Oh and if you actually then go ahead and smoke a bowl of marijuana, it's one of the best ways to feel like it's your first time smoking weed again. Totally recaptures the magic of being blown away and in awe of the effects. It seems to augment what I would personally call the spiritual aspects of the weed buzz. Someone else might call it something else I guess...but anyhow, in combination, this rez and a bowl of green is a great experience.
cjr23 wrote:It seems to augment what I would personally call the spiritual aspects of the weed buzz. It totally does. Wide-eyed, happy fun wonder. "Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."
"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
Awesome! I did an extraction once with vodka and it didn't really do anything. I wondered if maybe it needed the acids from the wine to extract the actives, but apparently I just didn't use enough of the lotus, or a high enough alcohol concentration.
You know, I don't know why I didn't mention this before, because I did this not long ago. Instead of producing a resin, then trying to dry, powderize and blah, blah, blah... Powderize 10g lily flowers (petals & stamens) & soak in alcohol for at least 2-4 weeks (really, whatever you wanna do). A hot plate/stirrer can shorten the extraction to only a few days, because of the heat and constant vortex. Filter plant matter from alcohol and evap down onto 1 g lily petals. Whalah...10X lily petals. Easy to handle, pretty to look at, a joy to smell and readily mixable/smokable. Could be 15X, 5X...20X. Whatever. Could be evaporated down onto your favorite herb...and no, I don't necessarily mean marijuana. Buuut, if you're a cannabis toker, lilies go GREAT with buds. Muy bien! I personally think it's a match made in a cosmic garden of awareness, but whatever your preference. I'd personally go for at least 10X, but 20X may be better. I'm still experimenting with this, so who knows, 30X may be where it's at. You can always make it stronger by evaporating more alcohol extract onto the same petals....another 5, 10, 15g onto already 10X petals. So, I don't know....experiment! "Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."
"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
Dimitrius wrote:You know, I don't know why I didn't mention this before, because I did this not long ago.
Instead of producing a resin, then trying to dry, powderize and blah, blah, blah...
Powderize 10g lily flowers (petals & stamens) & soak in alcohol for at least 2-4 weeks (really, whatever you wanna do). A hot plate/stirrer can shorten the extraction to only a few days, because of the heat and constant vortex.
Filter plant matter from alcohol and evap down onto 1 g lily petals. Whalah...10X lily petals. Easy to handle, pretty to look at, a joy to smell and readily mixable/smokable.
Could be 15X, 5X...20X. Whatever. Could be evaporated down onto your favorite herb...and no, I don't necessarily mean marijuana. Buuut, if you're a cannabis toker, lilies go GREAT with buds. Muy bien! I personally think it's a match made in a cosmic garden of awareness, but whatever your preference.
I'd personally go for at least 10X, but 20X may be better. I'm still experimenting with this, so who knows, 30X may be where it's at. You can always make it stronger by evaporating more alcohol extract onto the same petals....another 5, 10, 15g onto already 10X petals.
So, I don't know....experiment! Something quite similar to your suggestion was eventually done. The resin material was put back into alcohol solution and then evaporated onto blue lily leaf that had just previously been infused with the resin collected from an extraction run on spent marijuana ash and spent vaporizor "ash" (which on its own was surprisingly potent!). The end product seems like it should be a pretty potent smoke! Exciting  EDIT: IT IS POTENT! 