1664 wrote:^^ hehe, good report and sounds interesting, but maybe not quite what I had in mind! A coupl of people have also recommended the caapi tea and then smoking method to me, and it sounds good. What was your dose & method?
Sorry man, was a while back so cant really remember!
I drunk the tea, left it 10minutes and then smoked a bowl or two. Thats the beauty of it, you can just smoke until your at the right level.
If the first hit is big though, im not gonna lie, that first immersion can get a little weird.....well what isnt weird with dmt right, but once that subsides, the most beautiful feeling you will ever experience will begin to creep into you every cell, you will become the room and all thats in it. Your boundries are dissolved and you cant tell where your body ends or begins. Its so beautiful
You have to go within or you go without