sillysyban wrote:Aegle,
I am very sorry to hear about your dad. The only advise I can give is to make sure you let him know how truly special he is to you and live your lives as though it could end tomorrow. My dad passed away 4 months ago to lung and throat cancer from a life of smoking. He was diagnosed and and told he had six months. He died a week later. I was very close to him and we constantly told each other how we felt. When he passed I felt so grateful that we had always voiced our love for each other and there were no words unsaid or emotions kept hidden. I dont know what your relationship to him is. You sound as though you love him very much. Make sure he knows that.
As for cigarettes being illegal I do not think that is the answer. Yes there are corporations making millions of dollars but the fact is people will smoke and if its illegal the criminals will be the ones making millions and bringing the extra violence etc that comes with criminal networks. At least people know what they are buying when legal. I think all drugs should be legal. Every weekend there are kids popping pills that have no idea of what they are actually taking. If these thing were legal people would know exactly what they are getting and far less people would die from poisoning or overdose.
Tell your dad good luck with his new life and freedom from cigarettes.
I dont agree sillysyban..
I think that the sale of cigarettes in the form we are talking about here should be banned. I think this is the job of the FDA...I dont think it should be legal to sell and make profit off things that are put out there as consumable when they are not safely consumable.
Drugs should be legal yes..take cannabis for instance..cannabis should be legal, but it should NOT be legal for companies to mass produce the stuff, pumping it full of extra toxins and addictive components..and add filters to them that leave fiberglass deposits in the lungs that will cause further health problems down the road..package it up as a consumable product and sell it to the public, reguardless of how many warnings they place on the lables.
There should be protocalls put into place by the fda that controll these things. There should be a standard for consumable products that makes sure these things are safe, which most sommercial tobacco is not.
People would still be able to get yould just be unadulterated, pure stuff. Organic. With a different system of filtration other than the fiberglass, or just loose pipe tobacco. '
Even if cigarretes the way they are now became a black market thing..Id rather see that than see what I see now..these tobacco companies bastards have made enough money killing people and selling poison to children through appeal. On the black market not as many people would be smoking these cigarretes anyway, becasue not that many people would be willing to go there, theyd just go to the tobacco store where they could legally buy organic grade tobacco.
Now, Im not saying that these adulterated cigarrettes should be illegal..I am saying the SALE of them should be.
To make a plant illegal is a very stupid thing..all plants and herbs should be legal to buy and sell..but the sale of adulterated plants, herbs or anything else is a different story.
To me this is the exact same way I feel about things like teflon..the fda should ban the sale of it becasue its a poison, its a danger to the human population to cook with the stuff. Doesnt mean that they come and take all your teflon pans away, or ban the sale of cookware..but that they put a stop to the sale of the teflon cookware.
The problem with the FDA is that they dont do ther job. All they do is go after the money. They abuse their power and ban things based on the incentives of other rich industires..going after cannabis products, yet leaving things like tobacco products adulterated with poisons and sold to the public alone. Its discusting.
This in no way makes anyone able to tell you that you cant have this or that on cant get a fine for having a pack of adulterated tobacco on you..people could still go ahead and adulterate their own tobacco and smoke it if they wanted to..but in no way would they be legally able to sell that poison to the public.
Long live the unwoke.