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Reasons for your DMT consumption Options
The Researcher
#1 Posted : 12/7/2023 11:37:36 AM
Hello everyone!
I am currently working on a DMT-project for the university of cologne.
I have a few questions to everyone in the DMT-Nexus, since I think that this forum would be ideal for my research.

What is your motive behind consuming DMT or Ayahuasca?
How did you get introduced to it?
Do you like DMT? If yes, why?
How do you consume DMT?
Did your environment change after tripping for the first time?
Can you feel long-time consequences?

I would appreciate you taking some time and honestly answering those questions.
Thank you!
Welcoming committeeSenior Member
#2 Posted : 12/7/2023 3:19:57 PM
The Researcher,

Welcome to the Nexus. I hope you find the data you seek here.

I consume DMT and pharmahuasca (an aya analogue) for a number of reasons but mainly because these materials have quite literally become a spiritual sacrament for/to me.

My DMT initiation story is one of large timescales and stalwart will. I first heard about DMT in my 20's and KNEW I had to try it. Soon after that my husband began working for famous DMT psychonauts Gracie and Zarkov and I read their Notes from the Underground.

For a long time I was an active Deadhead (Grateful Dead fan) on tour in the Western USA. I also lived in hippie co-ops and hung out with trippy people. Everywhere I went I attempted to source DMT. I always asked, never forgot. No one ever had it. Not everyone had heard of it. Those who had tried it had smoked it in a crude changa preparation, applied to a bed of parsley or mint. They got strong psychedelic effects but none ever mentioned the breakthrough experiences of Terence McKenna rants.

A couple decades passed. But I never forgot.

After an extended psychedelic use break, I returned to tripping in my mid-40's, finding it to be a good answer to what can only be described as a mid life crisis. I discovered perfectly legal salvia divinorum and had my first immersive trip/visionary experience. I LOVED it.

I got ahold of every issue of The Entheogen Review and read every letter, every footnote. Near the end of the run of the publication there was more of a focus on DMT and suddenly an article written by someone called Noman appeared called "DMT for the Masses." It was a DMT TEK.

I was on my way and with a "recipe" name that I REALLY liked a LOT. It took more than one attempt (due to getting improper solvent the first time) but I wound with an extraction that was bright white and smelled lightly floral. I was on my way.

Later issues of The Entheogen Review had an article on so-called Jungle Spice and there were a number of quotes on DMT effects that had footnotes. I read all of those footnotes and they lead me to The DMT Nexus.

I LOVE DMT even though it somewhat regularly humbles me and gives me a rough ride. DMT is like a religious teacher who knows what he's talking about. DMT is like a teacher that is as generous as I am willing to take in. DMT is like a rough lover but in the end I had a GREAT time. It helps to like it a little rough and really resonate with the weird. Twisted Evil

Initially I just burned the crap out of DMT smoking it on beds of weed or herbs, using poor techniques with crack pipes, burning it in a small bong etc. But then I finally got my hands on a Glass Vapor Genie and that was a game changer. It allowed me to begin properly vaping DMT. I began to realize DMT vapor has no flavor/taste and changa vapor tastes amazing.

My environment did not change after tripping the first time as I was already a trippy person.

The long term consequences are AMAZING and myriad. At a bare minimum: I have cured a deep seated phobia for LIFE (at least 14 years later it is still looking good). I have MUCH less fear or concern over death. I feel I am dealing with insane adrenaline laden, you must make correct decisions in a split second or lives are at stake, crises much better than before in my life. My recent test was a Fentanyl OD on the street. And I completely self-transformed myself in terms of career, outlook and attitude with this most amazing of catalysts.

I hope this helps and again welcome you.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#3 Posted : 12/7/2023 6:22:37 PM
Hello and welcome.
I hope my answers help with your research.
I wish you success with the uni.

Q: What is your motive behind consuming DMT or Ayahuasca?
A: There are many reasons. It helps me to handle my overthinking and my chronical excema. But it also changes the way of thinking from non deep and pararell thought processes to deep and single ones. But besides of that a trip is an experience and experiences can provide wisdom and value. Have to stay grounded tho. I am also enjoing the visuals and music.

Q: How did you get introduced to it?
A: I started to smoke weed when i was about 16 years old for about 10 years. With the age of 18 i heavily consumed psychoactive substances for about 1.5-2 years daily.
Most of the substances were pretty unrelated to hallucinogenics. Was using Mephedrone daily and sometimes meth, methylone, mdma, mdpv, 6apb, 2dpmp, xfa, buphedrone, cathinone, ethcatinone, ... the list is long.
I tried almost everything except hero and benzos.
During that dime i also tried shrooms 2 times and a few times 2ce, 2cb and 2cp.
I liked the hallucinogenic effect bit i was more into stimulants at that time.
After the 2 years I quit using psychoactive substances completly.
Continued consuming weed for a few years but also quit about 6 years ago.
I think all this drug experiences and interests lead to extracting and consuming dmt.
The first time I heard about dmt was a half a year ago on tiktok.
As curious as I am I researched this topic.
The jouney lead to Joe Raogans pod casts, Adeptus Psychonautica, Terence Mckenna and others.

Q: Do you like DMT? If yes, why?
A: Sometimes i like and love it, sometimes i fear it but i always respect it. I like it mostly because it handles my overthinking, my skin issues and it is an experience.

Q: How do you consume DMT?
A: I like to dissolve my dmt freebase with citric acid in PG ejuice and vape it.

Q: Did your environment change after tripping for the first time?
A: It is very important for me to stay grounded. People wouldnt probably even know that i used the hell amounth of substances. I believe only experienced people would notice it when starting a deep conversation.
When i started to smoke weed and used psychocative substances my environment changed.
I lost and gained friends.
When i stopped with the psychoactive substances and weed my environment changed again.
I lost lots of "friends" at that time and have been a lone wolf since then.
Starting dmt had no influence on my real life environment.
But i met the nexus and its users. <3

Q: Can you feel long-time consequences?
A: My way of thinking changed and improved.
I am more aware of what i like and dont like in my life.
It helped me to exactly know where i want to get and eliminated the second guessing and uncertainties.
Dmt handleing my overthinking is always a short term effect.
A day of dmt handles my overthinking for about a month.
And my skin issues get better for a few days after a session.
Never tripped more then 3 days in a row.
Not sure if my skin issues will get better if tripping more frequently and consistently.
#4 Posted : 12/8/2023 8:54:19 AM
I'm an outlier here, for the moment.

I have been doing DMT at fairly low levels since I came across it. I only pushed for a breakthrough once and did not remember the experience.. a probable overdose/blackout.

I generally take one hit of some strong changa. I begin to get an "overlay" of geometric stuff over reality but generally lay down and close my eyes. I then get the "digital visions", but they do become 3d to an extent (hallways, stairwells, southwestern architecture).

Reason I am staying at low levels at the moment is that I have a lot of things going on in life now and will for a while. Selling my family home after I remove an undesirable, lining up where to live in my retirement, important life decisions and things to do.

So, I am pretty much on the straight and narrow for some time to come. Psychedelics have always given me a reset button and have enabled me to move beyond addictive behavior numerous times.

DMT is the perfect reset at this stage of my life. An hour set aside for the experience and maybe being tired for the rest of the day and I get a brightened mood and a greatly diminished desire to smoke pot for some time.

So, my reasons are kinda classic psychedelic reasons with DMT fitting into a busy and stressful time. At least for now.
#5 Posted : 1/24/2024 6:22:03 AM
What is your motive behind consuming DMT or Ayahuasca?
>> I use it as I use other substances, for the purpose of self-introspection and understanding, as well as to further understand my place and impact on the world/universe around me. I've greatly benefited from the usage of these substances to assist in my own therapeutic process for healing and growth.

How did you get introduced to it?
>> I am lucky enough to have friends in the psychedelic therapy space who are significantly more educated than myself, as well as a lot of Reddit/internet deep dives while up late at night.

Do you like DMT? If yes, why?
>> Yes, I enjoy the feeling of it within my body, as well as the benefits of my mind.

How do you consume DMT?
>> Vaporized.

Did your environment change after tripping for the first time?
>> I'm not sure if you mean visually (like hallucinating) or metaphorically (like post-trip, did I feel that my environment changed). I believe you mean the latter, which I would have to say "no", but only because DMT was the most recent in a long path of self discovery. I also don't feel as though I've had a break-through experience, so that answer may change in the future.

Can you feel long-time consequences?
>> I think I feel more universally connected, however I have been feeling more of that as time and healing has proceeded.
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