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Acacia and Mimosa Identification Thread Options
#1441 Posted : 1/4/2024 12:27:06 AM
Recently moved to north coast of NSW and have found what I believe to be a floribunda. When I put all the info into the wattles app it was the only match. Wanted to get another eye on it. I'm keen to try a local floribunda tea with some rue soon.

TheAwakening attached the following image(s):
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#1442 Posted : 1/4/2024 1:23:50 AM
That looks to me a little more like melanoxylon or possibly maidenii.. need to see finer details though. I thought I could spot a basal gland at the base of one of the phyllodes which floribunda won't have.
#1443 Posted : 1/4/2024 1:47:01 AM
I know what you mean by the basal gland. I didn't even think about the basal gland until after I'd taken the picture and most phyllodes in pic don't look like they have one, except that one sneaky bugger. I'll go for a walk now and see if I can confirm basal glands or not. Thanks acacian.
#1444 Posted : 1/4/2024 2:07:33 AM
it will likely have some pods laying around the base of the tree.. good to see those too

And also to see the veins in more detail.. if you can hold one up to the light it will be easy to see Smile
#1445 Posted : 1/4/2024 6:04:40 AM
Okay, so it's definitely not floribunda. Yes basal glands everywhere, I can't believe I forgot to check for them lol. It took quite a bit of searching but I found a single seed pod, it was quite curly so I'm definitely going with melanoxylon now. It never ceases to amaze me just how variable in morphology an acacia species phyllodes can be.

Here's some more pictures though.
TheAwakening attached the following image(s):
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#1446 Posted : 1/4/2024 8:30:44 AM
Do you have any pics of the seed pods? Were they flattened or more terete? Veins very similar to floribunda there.. the three all have reticulating nerves in phyllodes.. melanoxylon finer networks and the nerves narrower..what about phyllode texture? But yeah I think if it was covered in basal glands its fairly safe to rule out floribunda.. technically it can have an 'inconspicuous gland" though. The trunk is unlike that of any flori I've seen though.. should be smooth but mottled.

Photos of the tree could help too. With ID its important to try and cover as many things in your photos as possible.. so growth habit, pods/flowers/seeds, phyllodes close up and a description of texture. Also.. this is my subjective experience.. but taste can easily distinguish melanoxylon from floribunda.. floribunda is easy to chew.. slowly builds into a bitterness and as cheesecat mentioned has a grassy flavour. Melanoxylon will likely makes your mouth feel.. not right.. a kind of burning sensation which lasts a few minutes and leaves a sore-ish burning throat
#1447 Posted : 1/4/2024 8:57:14 AM
#1448 Posted : 1/4/2024 10:30:46 AM
Unfortunately I didn't grab the seed pod because I thought I'd find a more complete sample but ended up only finding one. It was only a section but that section was definite quite curved, unlike floribunda that I'm familiar with with much more straight pods. Quite old looking too. I know this type of acacia is around pretty abundantly where I am so I'll find another specimen and get a better view of the seed pod.

Hmm have you got pics of the inconspicuous gland? I'll attach the best shot I can get of them. Seems to match the the description that I see on the lucid keys website.

As for taste, after munching 3 or so phyllodes I can tell you this. It starts out mild for 5 seconds but then I get the burny throat. Not instilling confidence to brew Laughing wouldnt want my gut needing to process all that crap.

I've never seen a melanoxylon quite like this but it's looking to be that indeed. There's a big mama acacia close by that looks to be melanoxylon (or what I frequently call melanoxylon) but too tall for me to see phyllodes up close, covered in twisty seed pods though. Afaik it doesn't have hairs all over the phyllodes like this one does.
TheAwakening attached the following image(s):
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#1449 Posted : 1/4/2024 12:17:09 PM
I've never personally seen a gland on floribunda before but apparently its "possible" according to the botanical keys.. if its there its probably very subtle. Yours is quite pronounced. Gland present not quite a smoking gun but your latest photo indicates probably not floribunda.

Identification apps are not very reliable with acacias.. there are a lot of subtle features that don't get picked up.. especially if not in flower. So I would definitely take it's opinion with a grain of salt.

Floribunda should have a fair amount of pods around the base of the tree right now if its that.. it flowers around august/september so summer time is when it goes to seed. The fact that there aren't any even on the ground hints to me that it is probably something else.

Melanoxylon or maidenii seem the most likely candidates. Melanoxylon phyllodes can be pubescent too. Its a highly variable species and seems to have a number of different forms - difficult to distinguish from maidenii when not in flower.. even the pods are quite similar (I think more terete with maidenii). I think a lot of maidenii in northern NSW should be pretty close to flowering. Maidenii phyllodes are more glabrous than most melanoxylon and should have prominent lenticels on stems and trunk.

I'd be interested to see what the tree looks like, but I'm leaning toward melanoxylon. The burning throat thing shouldn't happen with floribunda - its a different kind of bitter which isn't so unpleasant.. subjectively speaking

A shot of the tree will help greatly though Thumbs up
#1450 Posted : 1/5/2024 4:12:01 AM
I'm actually using this app which is more of an interactive key than it is one of those dodgy ai ID apps. Its located here: https://play.google.com/...cidcentral.mobile.wattle errors in this will be user errors. When I tried doing it again it comes out with no maidenii or floribunda but only melanoxylon as the only candidate of those we're looking at.

I went for a walk on a different track today and found some older specimens of the same tree. I've attached pictures of the growth habit, and trunk of older trees.

I also think I found a maidenii that has just started to flower. Seems to have rod flowers from what I can tell.

I'm out at the moment and saw some trees that from a very quick glance in the car looked more like floribunda that I'm familiar with. I'll stop on the way home and get some snaps.

Edit: Last 2 photos are of the suspected maidenii
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#1451 Posted : 1/5/2024 2:22:36 PM
Yeah I think it is melanoxylon.. pods are a good match
#1452 Posted : 1/6/2024 5:19:48 AM
Found the smoking gun, while looking in thicker bush at a suspected floribunda (turns out it too was probably melanoxylon just very thin and long phyllodes, possibly maidenii) along a road I saw this specimen which is the same type of tree as I've shown pictures of but it was in the very start of flowering. Whatddya know, it's ball shaped!
TheAwakening attached the following image(s):
20240105_164443.jpg (2,936kb) downloaded 28 time(s).
#1453 Posted : 1/7/2024 1:56:20 AM
glad you resolved your query TheAwakening Cool
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