I just finished the questionnaire, it was a lot of work with my busy life but actually very enjoyable to do research on relatable topics and unknown topics as well. Best test I will ever have to take.
I have a lot of experience smoking dmt but have had no information until I found nexus 6 months ago, and it is a game changer for me.
I have been waiting to hopefully become a member to discuss such topics as:
- Full Sectrum vs White Fluff experiences ( I think white fluff by itself is not that good)
- Safe Extraction Methods I have developed and the reasons for them (Full SPectrum seems to trap contaminants I have found taking large doses)
- A 3 year old random batch I have that is beyond anything I can make (the holy grail) and my attempts to mimic its creation
- Methods for smoking, I have some good ones
- And hopefully open up some discussions on 5-MeO, something that seems to be on its own level from what I have experienced
I hope to start threads with enough information to intrigue readers and get feedback I have way more questions than answers but am patient and not demanding of these answers, just hoping to eventually get them.
I also am currently working on experiencing all forms of enhanced leaf as the first few I tried were vastly different, and I have a great method I got off this site to create a resin from Palo Santo to mix with enahanced leaf that I will share. It helps the leaf combust less while still having the ability to vaporize its essential elements with less harsh smoke. It works well to get full dose hits.
Anyway hope to be inside soon and post all these topics in a well formatted and interesting way! Saw this quote on someone else's page and it stuck with me:
_Divine Master Teacher.