I would like to discuss what I beleive alot of people don't really acknowledge. I beleive dmt allows access to some of the most beautiful and enlightening vistas and experiences and contact with sublime and compassionate entities. However I now beleive after taking it a number of times that it can also take you to the otherside, to dark places where manevolent and dark realms await and strange alien creatures that seem to have their own agendas who operate/probe you and who do not seem to have your best interests at heart. Reading through the trip report archives in the files section of this site seems to confirm my suspicions that DMT is a double edged sword and one never really knows where he will end up, sometimes in a beautific and kind buddha or elf playground, other times in a cold alien laboratory getting probed or operated on by strange beings. Is this all just truly just fragments of the self? Just the ying and yang nature of one's being being reflected and magnified in the imagination? I'm not sure but my hunch is that it's more than that, it may be literally breaking into other dimensions, the problem being is that you never really have control over where you will end up. 
My 'guess' is that DMT experiences are just fragments of oneself and in many cases access to our greater whole (blahblah). Due to my lack of belief in good/evil my view is that DMT takes us to where we (perhaps it's best to say "where our subconscious wishes to take or show us"  want to go. It's irrelevent to our mind if we place good/evil/dark/light values to the destination, entities and situations that occur, whilst in bliss of DMT land. As with psychedelics such as LSD/Shrooms you really can't hide from yourself (aka not an escape happy drug such as X or sometimes booze) when you're on a trek. Err I haven't tried DMT as of yet so it's possible until then my opinion holds little weight, I think. I'm still planning on a trying strong doses of shrooms or LSD to possibly gain a bit more experience in the out of body type experience before entering HYPERSPACE travel (DMT). Additionally: I love mind bending and opening experiences (based on life experiences and LSD/Shroom use) so at this time, overall I think I'd be fine with the possible darker manifestations created by my own mind/problems/repressed memories and such. It's the quickest way (I compare this to the great length of time one needs to become very skilled with deep meditations) to that umm self enlightenment or whatever.
I really don't feel the need to classify trips as good or bad, just except them as they are.One person's freakout is another's spiritual experience.Like life I believe it's all on what you make it. 
Nice words psilocybin. And although I took shrooms and LSD before taking aya I don't think it was needed to 'learn tripping'. DMT is quite different. What I DO think people should better have before taking DMT is some spiritual experience, your average trailer trash who sees DMT as some party drug shouldn't use it. It probably isn't bad for that person but I don't like the idea of them being ambassadors of earth to the DMT entities (as far as I think they are real which I don't know). If you are ready for DMT, it wil find you and you know it.
Agree Traveler that ideally DMT is best used by those with some interest in spiritual things and insight into themselves. On the other hand, if people are drawn to it, then they are probably ready on some level... Yeah, DMT found me, but now I have to find a new supplier!  "To dance is to live----to live is to dance!" --Snoopy, Peanuts comic strip
[quote:2187328f27="delphine"]Agree Traveler that ideally DMT is best used by those with some interest in spiritual things and insight into themselves. On the other hand, if people are drawn to it, then they are probably ready on some level...[/quote:2187328f27] So true, of course there will be people who come into contact with DMT way too soon but those are execeptions IMHO. The first time someone told me about DMT was about 6 years ago or something. He asked me about my Totem Tantra and I mentioned the text of the song Hyperborea from Biosphere (I already mentioned that song in the art section on this forum) He told me it reminded him of DMT. At that moment I thought something like "go bloody away with your DMT crap, I like this song!".  Some years later my best friend mentioned DMT as something special, DMT when you get born, DMT when you die etc. He hasn't tried it yet but he is sure one day he will. Anyway, this probably planted a seed in my brain because at the end of last year I suddenly got the fruit of that seed in my brain and knew I HAD to take aya, I ordered it online and a week later I took the journey. This just shows that not everyone who will take DMT was always ready for it and it also shows that people who don't know enough about DMT can have their own idea's about it, be it either good or bad.
I think we still know too little about the mind, let alone the soul to really know whats happening while under the influence of DMT. Alot of people say that the reality they break into if they really push the dosages is 'realer than reality' and they mean this literally. I guess the reductionist logical view is to say that all of this is just hallucinogenic imagery occuring in the mind via the overstimulation of certain receptors in the brain. This makes alot of sense however I think it's still to early to rule out other possibilities of what may be going on. In Strassman's book some subjects did have traumatic experiences and encounters with what can only be termed manevolent or at the least emotionless entities that were seeming to do strange probes and experiments and the trip reports that I have read point towards have correlated these experiances. Alot of trip reports however point towards a benevolent contact aswell. Considering the duality running throughout nature and the universe it's probably only natural to experiance both the ying and the yang while traversing these strange and largely unknown and unexplored places. I think whatever space you break into on DMT can be likened to an ocean, there are both turtles and dolphins in the ocean, but their are also sharks and jellyfish. I guess like the old saying goes, buy the ticket, take the ride! 
Blackclo, According to the holographic universe theory, everythng in our experience is a creation of our minds, whether or not we're tripping! http://fusionanomaly.net/holographicuniverse.html My fave ET,. Bashar, has this to say about negative beings, though he wasn't referring to DMT experiences: "...it would be our advice and our suggestion to you that you simply do not focus on the idea that there are negative beings who exist in the universe--other than those who exist on your own planet--that could perhaps interact with you against your will, and focus on the reality you choose to be. Then, by the fact that you will be on a different frequency, this will place you completely beyond the reach of anyone who is not on the same loving frequency." As for the "malevolent" entities Strassman's subjects encountered,keep in mind that the experiments were carried out in a medical setting, not the most ideal circumstances. Not like being at the beach! Yes, buy the ticket, take the ride, and think positive!  "To dance is to live----to live is to dance!" --Snoopy, Peanuts comic strip
P.S. to above post, I think this is apropos, from the Fusion Anomaly page on the holographic universe: In Part Two of _The Holographic Universe_, "Mind and Body," Michael Talbot discusses the psychological aspects of the holographic model. According to Bohm, "In a universe in which all things are infinitely interconnected, all consciousnesses are also interconnected. Despite appearances, we are beings without borders. Deep down the consciousness of mankind is one." (p. 60) The holographic theory, according to the author, can explain many psychological phenomena. Some of these include psychic phenomena, the ability to see "auras", psychosis, the power of the mind to heal using visualization techniques, effects of placebos on healing, lucid dreaming and altered states of consciousness. The power of the mind is awesome and remains untapped. The author believes that by understanding the holographic model we can learn to access these powers. "In the implicate order, as in the brain itself, imagination and reality are ultimately indistinguishable, and it should therefore come as no surprise to us that images in the mind can ultimately manifest as realities in the physical body." (p. 84) "To dance is to live----to live is to dance!" --Snoopy, Peanuts comic strip
the only 'bad' experiences i've ever read about - with ANY hallucinogenic is where its been ill prepared for, and too intense. I myself have had an experience whereby I got confused while tripping and thought I had to eat the entire supply of mushrooms i'd brought (in reality we had all dosed and I still had 5 doses of a good level 3 trip in cubensis!) as you can immagine this was a phenomenal dose (115g of mixed cubensis and liberty caps) and sent me stir-crazy. I quickly left my fellow shroomers at the lower levels of mild nonsense and giggles, and dissapeared into a strange communion with a fractal entity, which only had two states - 0 and 1, yin and yang, all and nothing, male and female, two sides of DNA, black and white, alpha and omega, etc etc etc shoe
ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!