Hi guys, firstly, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Secondly, hope this is in the right spot. Finally moved back home and have so much appreciation for my land and I've found this acacia and would love to know if anyone could give me an ID? It isn't flowering yet, but the leaves seem to be like obtusifolia.. hopefully there's enough info. I'm really curious about this and really want to be her respectful so, this is a little tree, but I might look for a different more mature one once I can ID this a bit better. What's the best approach? I read somewhere even getting the flowers can be very special. Maybe I can prune it back in nice spots to promote healthy growth but get some for me? Obviously on a larger tree or multiple ones. Als there's another photo of a acacia I think, can't get a closer shot of leaves but maybe someone could give me a ro high idea? All north of Sydney up the east coast. Thanks so much for everything everyone does on here and In their life. !! Much love!! https://ibb.co/vHQ5GwVhttps://ibb.co/3W59LjYhttps://ibb.co/XV4mrDGhttps://ibb.co/025YPYNhttps://ibb.co/7QznD7Bhttps://ibb.co/NSNLCZjKurtles attached the following image(s):  20230416_101530.jpg (2,614kb) downloaded 13 time(s). 20230416_101617.jpg (2,580kb) downloaded 13 time(s). 20230416_101501.jpg (2,613kb) downloaded 13 time(s). 20230416_101558.jpg (3,108kb) downloaded 13 time(s). 20230416_101623.jpg (4,656kb) downloaded 12 time(s).