DMTizzle wrote:I am planning an extraction on 500g of Mimosa bark, 3rd time I have done an extraction this size. I was wondering how many pulls would you say are optimal, I am thinking either 3 or 4 in the past I have done 4 and got very high yields but also a yellowy product.
Also in the past I have used activated charcoal to clean the DMT however I haven't used a saturated naptha solution and didn't find that the charcoal did much, was the because the solution wasn't saturated.
Finally what way of cleaning DMT from a STB method would you advise, why, and can you write up how to do it.
Muchly appreciated.
Edit: could someone do me a quick write up on how to do a acid to base extraction on the impure crystal after a straight to base extraction using white vinegar and is that a worthwhile thing to do or am i better off recrystallising/activated charcoal.
Finally do you have any tips or tricks to do at any point in an extraction which you find work well?
Just pull until there is no more DMT. Too many variable effect this to determine how many pulls it will take like how much naptha your using, how potent your bark is, how well you performed the STB etc.
The rest can all be found by searching the forum.
Generally if the tek was performed well clean up can be as simple as an ammonia wash and yield a very white fairly pure powder.
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