dragonrider wrote:I have definately become more sensitive to psychedelics.
I think mostly because i don't use psychedelics as excessively as i did when i was younger, so my tolerance is a lot lower now. I also don't use cannabis as much anymore as i used to, and i suspect there might be some kind of cross-tolerance between cannabis and the classic hallucinogens.
Another thing is that i usually don't use psychedelics in a social setting anymore, and my trips have therefore become much more introspective.
Interesting. For many of us the increase seems to be occurring with higher frequency use, but for you it's the inverse.
I've always felt like cannabis was a good potentiator in the throes of an experience, but I have wondered what it's effects are with regular use and admittance into psychedelic spaces. Would I be even more sensitive to classical psychedelics if I also didn't regularly use cannabis?
Artificer wrote:I wonder if doing psychedelics alone makes them seem more potent vs partaking with others around? I'm guessing most psychonauts that started with mushrooms, LSD, etc were with the company of whoever introduced the substance, especially pre dmt-nexus.me and shroomery.org days when there wasn't experience reports etc at their computer to pore over that might give them comfort and confidence to try their first psychedelic substance by themselves.
What I'm getting at is, these days I mostly partake alone, with little distraction to keep me from delving deep down the rabbit hole, nothing on this side grounding me as there is when I'm with others, where I find more of a responsibility to the people around me. There's only so much power one has to resist the effects, but I think the solitude vs with company is enough to play a role in perception of how sensitive I'm feeling to psychedelics (other than cannabis - I've always been a lightweight and efficiently get more stoned for a given amount than anyone around me).
20 years ago I think I got most effects out of group taking equal amount of mushrooms, where as today I feel more on par with the group - although different people.
DMT is relatively new for me, I'm grateful that I'm efficient with it as well, but I think my sensitivity has been fairly consistent.
I definitely started out in a group dynamic, but that quickly got old for me; too many disparate types of mindsets and couldn't focus on types of experiences I wanted as well. However, when I started tripping alone, I didn't really notice an increase in intensity, but more so just the flavor of experience.
In the context of what drove the OP is that I used to consume around 7g of mushrooms almost every time, and while mindblowingly intense, it was where I wanted to be and it was always managed just fine. Nowadays, my hair will get blown back by amounts under 2g.
capsdream wrote:Interesting to read about others’ experience with increased sensitivity as I didn’t know it was a “thing.”
I can’t speak to DMT as it’s been a few years for me, but my sensitivity to mind altering substances has certainly increased. Earlier this year I had my first “difficult” psilocybin trip in 15 years. I took what may have been considered a moderate-high dose for most but “normal” for me. That experience… humbled me. I learned a lot, but it was the first trip that I had use an emergency Xanax to end.
These days all I need to do if I want to explore my mind is take a decent cannabis edible. I really love the contemplative and euphoric effects of edibles lately.
While I'm always prepared by having benzodiazepines, CBD, and CBN around, I've only ever taken them (so far) to end the comedown from LSD sooner. I tend to find that part of the experience to be rather tedious.
And I've several of those kinds of experiences with mushrooms in recent years. Especially the first few times I added harmalas

Mister_Niles wrote:Whoa. That's saying something. I've been there. I always have 10mg of valium next to the bed, just in case. I've jokingly called it my escape hatch. My last mushroom trip was the first time for me. It was so bad, and the valium barely touched it. I had spiraled into self loathing. So, I just got more calm about despising myself Smile
Other difficult trips were manageable. This one was profoundly bad. No visuals no nothin', just pure, completely overpowering emotions.
I understand this very much. There have been a lot of dark moments in a lot of experiences in recent years, especially with closed-eyed visuals, but also with regard to impeding emotions and thinking patterns. In my case, I tend to assume it's just that I deal with depression regularly, so try to do the work and ride it out.
famine wrote:There's alot of anecdotal evidence that 5-MeO-DMT use makes you way more sensitive to psychedelics and even making them have a 5-MeO-DMT theme. For me DMT in low doses has strong ego dissolution while having no visuals. Similar to 5-MeO-DMT
I just got that much more nervous for the synthetic 5-meo I just acquired

capsdream wrote:My visuals were so strong and overwhelming; I couldn't get away from them. I would close my eyes and they would appear. Open my eyes and they would appear. There was a sense that "they" wanted something from me...all at once. As if a spotlight was on me. Perhaps the mushrooms were holding a mirror up, showing me what my anxiety looks like. Perhaps, I just took too much.
I recall an experience where I was tripping "too hard" and I had to leave the group and go into the bathroom. My visuals were so intense and I kept wishing I could take a break from the experience. Moving away from the group didn't reduce the intensity I was feeling and it brought me to a point where I was huddling the porcelain throne on my knees. I kept trying to close my eyes to limit the intense visuals; I just wanted darkness. But often what was happening behind my eyelids was more intense than when my eyes were open. I remember thinking, "I'm about to have a bad trip," then, "But I don't want to have a bad trip," followed by, "Then don't; make the choice." I remember immediately reflecting that I was effectively looking for a "safe place" at the time and no matter where I physically went or did, I wasn't finding that place. Then the thought, "The only safe place is the choice you make," came into my mind, and I was immediately able to turn the trip around, luckily. That was maybe in the second or third mushroom experience that I had had.
One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.
Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims
DMT always has something new to show you

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽