Oh wow, i hadn't heard yet. Rest in peace Christian Rätsch, most important of the psychedelic and ethnobotanical writers for my 'upbringing'! May your eternal journey be as magical as the one that found an end now.
I am a really lucky person, having seen both him and Albert Hofmann in person - even both at the same congress once!
It was in Basel, late 90s or early 2000s. In addition to talking on stage, he did an audio-visual performance called "Ayahuasca", afaik the only ever performance of the album (same name) he made with musicians whose names i can't remember. I had spent my last money for the congress itself and couldn't afford to buy the album - i've been looking for it ever since with no success. If anyone can point me to a copy, i'd be very very greatful.
Funny to think that after that point, it took me almost 20 more years to actually find my way to DMT