I made a fire to burn some wood waste and it got a bit out of control and burned some of my cacti on the side facing the fire.
It happened maybe 2 weeks ago. At first the burned side turned yellow, then it shrivelled, and now brown and black spots have appeared.
The biggest victim of this is my T. peruvianus (the tallest of all my cacti), but a pachanoi and bridgesii also got hurt.
Will this heal on its own, or should I cut the columns all the way to where the burned tissue ends? Alternatively, can I cut off the burned side (as opposed to doing a cross section, i.e. a vertical cut rather than a horizontal one; assuming the spines allow me to access it with the knife) to save the peruvianus column?
Jagube attached the following image(s):
(1,303kb) downloaded 120 time(s). cact2.jpg
(688kb) downloaded 119 time(s).