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Framework for the DMT Facilitator Options
Senior Member
#1 Posted : 12/2/2018 1:55:55 AM
Framework for the DMT Facilitator

Many of us here on the Nexus are very experienced with DMT. Some could say too experienced. And many of us act as facilitators for other people. I've personally dosed up around 30-40 people, and then stopped a few years ago. Very few of them take DMT as frequently as we do, many of them have only had DMT once, i.e. that one time they were dosed up by a facilitator. These one time users are a treasure trove of data. Most of the surveys done by Johns Hopkins/Imperial College are tailored to seasoned psychonauts, so we already have some biases. It is also highly unlikely that these one time users will complete the Johns Hopkins survey, due to their potential limited interest and time taken to fill out the survey.

The purpose of this framework is to get some usable data from novices that may only smoke DMT one time. There are countless anecdotes of people smoking once, and having their lives changed, usually for the better. These one-time smokers are usually facilitated into the experience by a veteran psychonaut.

So, how does this work? The facilitator will ask the novice the questions contained herein; before the experience, after the experience and after a significant length of time (e.g. 6 months). That's it. Then the results are uploaded on to this thread. There are no personally identifying questions, but people are more than welcome to refrain from divulging certain aspects of their lives.

If the novice would like information about DMT, please send them these links (or print them out):



These questions were anonymously compiled over a period of time by various members of this site. If there are any suggestions, criticisms or further questions, all are welcome. Some of these questions were directly inspired from the Johns Hopkins survey. I hope that's okay with the people conducting the survey.

All measurements in metric. Time of day in 24 hour time. It would be ideal if these questions were dictated to the novice, with the facilitator writing the response, as opposed to the novice seeing all the questions in one go.

Questions about the user:

1) Age or age range?
2) Gender?
3) Body weight?
4) Known sensitivities?
5) History of use (experienced, novice, first timer - in general and for this specific substance/form)?
6) Occupation?
7) Personality type? (Briggs-Meyer)
8) Upbringing? (Culture and nature of upbringing, i.e. conservative/liberal, strict/lax)
9) Do you identify or align with any religion?
10) How would your friends describe your temperament?
11) Particular philosophy/ies, and/or beliefs?
12) Spiritual Experience? Sensitivity to spirituality?

Pre flight questions:

1) Is this your first time with DMT?
2) What psychedelics have you had in the past, if any? Any other substances?
3) Why do you want to do DMT?
4) What have you heard about DMT or any other tryptamine psychedelics?
5) What do you think is the worst that could happen in or as a result of a DMT trip?
6) What do you think is the best that could happen in or as a result of a DMT trip?
7) How do you feel going into it, knowing what you know so far?
8) Do you think the DMT entities are real or a manifestation of the mind?

Trip summary:

(physical condition) Set:
Setting (location):
Intention (why are you doing DMT?):
Time of day:
Recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication)
Last meal: (Time and type)

Method of administration:

Administration time: T=0:00 (expand this if you used delayed administration for multiple substances or the same substance with multiple doses. Use indices.)
Duration: (x hours)
First effects:
Peak: (estimate a time range and note as e.g. T=2:00-4:00 for a range of 2 hours beginning 2 hours after administration)
Come down:

Intensity (overall): (use HRS-like scale i.e. 0-4: 0 = "Not at all;" 1 = "Slightly;" 2 = "Moderately;" 3 = "Quite a bit;" 4 = "Extremely.")

Pleasantness: (0-4)
Unplesantness: (0-4)
Visual Intensity: (0-4)

Hangover: (0-4 ; what type of unpleasantness ; duration)
Afterglow: (0-4 ; what type of positive effects ; duration)

Immediate post flight questions:

1) Have any of your views been challenged? If so, how?
2) Can you describe how it felt to you throughout the experience?
3) Did it feel more real than reality?
4) What did you see?
5) Do you consider this experience as sacred?

Entity questions:

1) Did you have entity contact? Dialogue or monologue?
2) Was this an archetypal entity (elf, jester, angel, demon, deity, person you know in real life)?
3) Can you briefly describe the physical appearance of the entity?
4) Did the experience or entity harbour a feeling of familiarity?
5) Was this entity omniscient (all-knowing)?
6) How did you communicate with this entity?
7) Was the entity benevolent or malevolent?
8) Was the entity conscious and self-aware?
9) Did you obtain any messages/advice/guidance from this experience/entity?
10) Did the entity address aspects of your real life in any way? (i.e. fixing bad habits, processing past trauma)
11) Did the entity have a parental vibe at all?
12) Do you consider this entity as sacred?
13) Do you think you can contact the same entity through another DMT experience?
14) Do you still think the DMT entities are real or a manifestation of the mind?

Post flight questions:

1) Do you see yourself learning about extracting your own DMT, planting psychoactive plants, or both?
2) How likely are you to do DMT again?
3) (If no to both 1 and 2) If someone close to you had an unlimited supply of DMT, and was willing to share as much as you wanted, would you do DMT again?
4) Do you believe that the experience and your contemplation of that experience has altered your fundamental conception of reality?
5) How personally meaningful was your experience and your contemplation of that experience?
6) How spiritually significant was your experience and your contemplation of that experience?
7) How psychologically challenging was the most psychologically challenging portions of the experience?
8) How personally psychologically insightful to you was the experience and your contemplation of that experience?
9) Do you believe that the experience and your contemplation of that experience has led to long-term and persisting changes in your current sense of personal well-being, life satisfaction, life purpose and life meaning?

Questions to ask after a significant time (please note how long it has been since they were dosed):

1) Has this experience led to long-term and persisting changes in your social life?
2) Has this experience led to long-term and persisting changes in your attitudes about life?
3) Has this experience led to long-term and persisting changes in your attitudes about self?
4) Has this experience led to long-term and persisting changes in your mood?
5) Has this experience led to long-term and persisting behavioural changes?
6) Has this experience led to long-term and persisting changes in your spirituality?
7) Has this experience led to long-term and persisting changes in your attitudes about death?

Other questions that arose from conversation:

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
#2 Posted : 1/24/2020 7:27:23 PM
“...Was this entity omniscient (all-knowing)?“

I have a question. When did you stop beating your wife?

Loaded question “Aside from being an informal fallacy depending on usage, such questions may be used as a rhetorical tool: the question attempts to limit direct replies to be those that serve the questioner's agenda. The traditional example is the question ‘Have you stopped beating your wife?’ [the UK variant]. Whether the respondent answers yes or no, they will admit to having a wife and having beaten her at some time in the past. Thus, these facts are presupposed by the question, and in this case an entrapment, because it narrows the respondent to a single answer, and the fallacy of many questions has been committed. The fallacy relies upon context for its effect: the fact that a question presupposes something does not in itself make the question fallacious. Only when some of these presuppositions are not necessarily agreed to by the person who is asked the question does the argument containing them become fallacious. Hence, the same question may be loaded in one context, but not in the other. For example, the previous question would not be loaded if it were asked during a trial in which the defendant had already admitted to beating his wife. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loaded_question

I like what you’ve done here. May I make some suggestions?
Spellbreaking is the better part of alchemy, extraction, and the art of undoing—but a cocksure kind of lovingkindness, a clockwork clock, works time.

Nakhig lo shulun, Sharuku! Gorz nash!
“Where is your master? Where is he?”
Mig shâ zog... Undagush! Nakh
Atigat iuk no lighav wizard...
#3 Posted : 1/31/2020 11:54:26 PM
[Thorz] This is an old article I came across written by Timothy Leary and figured many of you may find it quite interesting. I've never seen such elaborate descriptions of hyperspace, really neat read

[Posted : 2/14/2010 1:30:55 PM]

Programmed Communication During Experiences with DMT by Timothy Leary

Spellbreaking is the better part of alchemy, extraction, and the art of undoing—but a cocksure kind of lovingkindness, a clockwork clock, works time.

Nakhig lo shulun, Sharuku! Gorz nash!
“Where is your master? Where is he?”
Mig shâ zog... Undagush! Nakh
Atigat iuk no lighav wizard...
#4 Posted : 2/4/2020 10:06:51 PM
I want to reply substantially to this post, but I have to be honest. Your user name is exactly the same as a fellow I follow on youtube and it's all I can think about.

You wouldn't happen to be "SomeBlackGuy" from Youtube, would you?
"We get to the end and find out we missed the point. Life is a musical thing, and you were supposed to sing and dance while it was being played." - Alan Watts
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