Hey folks, a channel I follow on YouTube recently streamed a review and critique of the Nexus' lexicon from the perspective of her own
altered states ontology project.
I thought you guys might be interested in it and to potentially discuss to what extent the lexicon may still have value in a time where altered states ontology is rapidly being advanced.
Link to the video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J7AiRu3EeIThe human being is this night, this empty nothing, that contains everything in its simplicity—an unending wealth of many representations, images, of which none belongs to him—or which are not present. ... One catches sight of this night when one looks human beings in the eye—into a night that becomes awful - Hegel
Anything perfect is worth destroying, in fact it is desirable to destroy it, true beauty lies in imperfection - Nietzsche