So after struggling for a while getting the goodies out of various acacias I decided to ramp up the cook to new levels.
* 200g of acuminata bark was PC'd @ 15 psi for 3 hours, in 4L of ph4 water x2
* Bark was removed and cooks were combined and reduced to 1.6L
* 100g salt added for flavour
* 200 ml of basic solution added to bring ph to 13
* Whilst solution was still hot 80ml of shellite added and shaken multiple times and then pulled after 45 minutes.
12 hours later in the freezer
then a second 80ml pull the next day where I warmed the bottle in a sink of hot water, yielded
The third pull the next day yielded just 2 tiny little xtals, lonely in the dish. Just a few mg.
There's nothing new here in science terms, but the massive PC overkill on the bark and the hot pulls extracted all of the DMT very effectively with minimal effort. I'm much happier to have a pot sit there on ultra low for the day than to be shaking and stuffing around for hours doing many pulls.
Sure with a moar oily source a backsalt would be essential, but even so... it still seems worthwhile.
The nearest we ever come to knowing truth is when we are witness to paradox.