Hello travelers, Wanted to check with you if using a stainless steel wool ( see in link below ) instead of the traditional copper mesh ( choreboy ) is safe. https://www.anoniem.org/?https:/...grade-wire-wool-wrap-1m/I know stainless steel is inert so in theory it should be fine, no ? Thanks for your help !
I have a Yocan Falcon I was trying to use with a .0000 SS bed on the coils. It still wasted 80% and burned the coils but that was all. It depends on what you are using, as 304 mesh will never produce any toxins at 200c or below which is what we use. If you are stuffing a "glass antennae" and using a lighter there will be some combustion and smoke of any kind is cancerous no matter the source.
Yes, I would like to use a "machine" like device. Basically a squished ball of steel wool with pre-melted spice inside a bowl of a glass spoon pipe. When I use a torch lighter on the steel wool there is no flame neither smoke.
I would imagine it would work fine with 'the machine' it's basically an analogue conduction/convection hybrid vaporizer. Not the most efficient but I've read it can be effective, I would be more worried about the metal the chamber is built from than I would about the wool. **EDIT I reread your post and saw it's glass, so basically steel wool wedded up inside a "meth whistle" type pipe? That should work fine, have a friend with you - YOU DON'T WANT TO BURN YOURSELF ** I have a VV mesh RDA coming myself, I did consider building a machine myself but I found the thread on 3 to 1 CBC carts and have CBC so I figured I'd try that first, my VV should be here soon. Plus, I really don't like the idea of using external heat sources considering what happens when it's done correctly.